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Challenging Darkness, 8 Selfie Photos of Nafilah Trekking to Mount Batur - Departing at 3 AM!

Challenging Darkness, 8 Selfie Photos of Nafilah Trekking to Mount Batur - Departing at 3 AM!


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Challenging Darkness, 8 Selfie Photos of Nafilah Trekking to Mount Batur - Departing at 3 AM!

Written by: Kiki Virenanda Pitaloka

Selfi Nafilah now has challenging activities. The singer, born in Sukabumi, is not afraid to climb Mount Batur in the darkness to enjoy the enchanting sunrise and face the cold and steep terrain. Her tiring journey is paid off with extraordinary views. The beauty of Mount Batur and the unforgettable sunrise.

Here are her photos that not only show the beauty of Mount Batur but also her struggle to reach the peak!


Selfi Nafilah started her journey from the hotel towards the Mount Batur climbing route at half past 2 in the morning, ready to conquer the summit.

Challenging Darkness, 8 Selfie Photos of Nafilah Trekking to Mount Batur - Departing at 3 AM!

Exploring the Darkness, the climb began at half past 4 in the morning. Selfi, with strong determination, penetrated the darkness of the night and started her journey towards the summit.

Challenging Darkness, 8 Selfie Photos of Nafilah Trekking to Mount Batur - Departing at 3 AM!

As a Muslim, Selfi does not forget her obligation to worship. She managed to perform the dawn prayer in a hut, mashaAllah.


Continuing the climb with a friend, Selfi went through a challenging ascent. Through various challenging paths, Selfi successfully passed the uphill path in the darkness of Mount Batur.


As if amazed by her perseverance, the universe greeted Selfi with a spectacular sunrise panorama at the peak of Mount Batur.

Challenging Darkness, 8 Selfie Photos of Nafilah Trekking to Mount Batur - Departing at 3 AM!

Clear weather accompanied Selfi in enjoying the moment of sunrise at the peak of Batur. A cup of warm coffee completes her happiness.

Challenging Darkness, 8 Selfie Photos of Nafilah Trekking to Mount Batur - Departing at 3 AM!

At around 08.00, Nafilah descended the mountain safely, carrying beautiful memories and gratitude for her meaningful climb.


Selfi returned to the foot of the mountain, welcomed by vast and green onion fields, a soothing sight that complements her happiness after conquering Mount Batur.

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