Kapanlagi.com - Bilqis Khumairah Razak, daughter of Ayu Ting Ting, is following in her mother's footsteps and becoming active in the entertainment industry. After showing her singing talent several times before, Bilqis is now showing her other talent as a presenter.
Yes, this Ramadan, Bilqis was chosen as the young presenter for a Ramadan program. In every appearance, Bilqis looks beautiful and adorable wearing hijab. In this Muslim attire, the charm of Ayu Ting Ting's daughter shines brighter.
Curious about what her photos look like? Let's take a look at some of her photos below.
1. Appearing in Hijab

(credit: instagram/lantunandoaanak)
Bilqis appeared in Muslim clothing with a hijab while filling the Ramadan event titled Lantunan Doa Anak (Children's Prayer Chant). Wearing covered clothing, Bilqis looked even more beautiful and calm. Her gentle gaze also made everyone feel at ease.
2. Showing Presenter Talent

(credit: instagram/lantunandoaanak)
At the Ramadan event, Bilqis was chosen to be one of the young presenters. In every appearance, Bilqis always appeared flexible in guiding the event. Bilqis seemed to want to prove that her mother's presenter talent had indeed been passed down to her.
3. Reading Short Prayers

(credit: instagram/lantunandoaanak)
Not only as a presenter, at the Ramadan event Bilqis also appeared reciting short prayers. Bilqis's voice sounded melodious when chanting those short prayers. It made everyone feel comfortable to keep listening to her.
4. Receiving Praise

(credit: instagram/lantunandoaanak)
Bilqis's appearance in reading short prayers received a lot of praise. Many praised Bilqis as a righteous child. Not a few from the public also praised her mother, Ayu Ting Ting, for being successful in educating her child.
5. Making Parents Proud

(credit: instagram/lantunandoaanak)
With her talent and intelligence, Bilqis has certainly made her parents proud. As proven by Ayu Ting Ting, who didn't hesitate to show her pride for her daughter through a post on Instagram.
6. Appearing with Her Mother

(credit: instagram/lantunandoaanak)
In one episode, Bilqis appeared together with her mother. The mother and daughter duo looked united when they appeared in the same camera frame. From Ayu's gaze towards Bilqis, it's clear that there's a mother's pride towards her child.
7. Getting Full Support from Her Mother

(credit: instagram/ayutingting92)
Ayu Ting Ting is known as a supportive parent. Ayu always gives full support to whatever Bilqis does. Including now, when her child wants to try the world of presenting. As a form of support, Ayu helped promote her child's appearance through a post.
8. Radiating Star Aura

(credit: instagram/lantunandoaanak)
It's undeniable that at the age of 8, Bilqis has a charm and star aura. This is proven by her every appearance when she hosts Ramadan events. Bilqis is truly a professional young presenter.
These are some of the snapshots of Bilqis, Ayu Ting Ting's daughter, when she appeared as a presenter in Ramadan events. So, KLovers, Bilqis' performance is really refreshing, isn't it?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.