Kapanlagi.com - The campursari music genre has recently become very popular throughout the archipelago. One of the pioneers of this popularity is Didi Kempot, a legendary campursari singer. This has made many people curious about the campursari music genre performed by Didi Kempot.
However, today, Tuesday (05/05/2020), Didi Kempot took his last breath at Kasih Ibu Hospital around 07:30 AM. Didi Kempot's passing has brought sadness to the entertainment music world in the homeland. Didi Kempot is known as the king of campursari music worldwide.
Yes, his works have penetrated the international market, introducing campursari music to foreign countries. As it is known, Didi Kempot has consistently embraced the campursari music genre in the entertainment world in the homeland.
Since starting his career in 1984, Lord Didi has created hundreds of works with different musical styles in the Indonesian music scene. This certainly leaves an impression and curiosity among the public about Didi Kempot's works.
The worldwide popularity of campursari music is not separate from its long history until it is known until now. Here is a description of the campursari music genre that Didi Kempot has left behind during his more than 30 years of work.
1. History of Campursari Music Genre

(credit: http://krisnadaf.blogspot.com/)
Based on its history, the first initiator of campursari music was R.M Samsi, who was a member of the Campursari group in RRI Semarang. However, at that time, it was not as popular as in the 90s. As a result, people began to recognize the campursari music genre popularized by Manthous, a musician from Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, in the 90s era.
The campursari music of the 90s was considered different from its early emergence. This is because the campursari music of the 90s incorporated keyboard and bass guitar instruments as accompaniment, giving a new color to the world of campursari music that was able to attract people. It was from there that campursari music began to gain popularity and received a warm welcome from the community.
The campursari music genre performed by Manthous has various musical styles such as rock, reggae, gambang kromong, which are combined with Javanese style and also pure Javanese songs.
Furthermore, the campursari music genre was also popularized by Didi Kempot, who emerged with his unique Indonesian campursari music genre. Didi Kempot released his first album with songs titled Cidro and Stasiun Balapan in 1999.
2. Attached to Javanese Language

(credit: dictio.id)
As is known, the campursari music genre first appeared in the Javanese region. So, campursari is indeed closely related to Javanese language, whether it's ngoko or kromo inggil.
Although closely related to Javanese language, it turns out that campursari songs can be accepted by all people, even on the international stage. This proves that the campursari music genre is indeed very popular and liked by the community.
3. Using Kendang and Gamelan

(credit: https://www.wikiwand.com/)
Kendang is one of the Javanese musical instruments made from cow or buffalo skin. The sound of kendang is very unique and can make the listeners sway and sing along. This musical instrument is characteristic of the campursari music genre.
Yes, campursari songs do use drums and gamelan as accompaniment. Campursari songs will be more interesting and enjoyable to listen to when accompanied by the sound of drums and gamelan.
4. Campursari Singers

(credit: Instagram.com/didikempot_official/)
Several campursari singers who emerged to popularize various campursari songs mostly come from Java. Some popular campursari singers are as follows:
- Manthous.
- Didi Kempot.
- Nurhana.
- Anik Sunyahni.
- Sulasmi.
- Koko Thole.
- Cak Diqin.
- Dhimas Tedjo.
- Soimah Pancawati.
- Nur Bayan.
5. Able to Penetrate the International Scene
Since the emergence of modern campursari music genre popularized by Manthous and Didi Kempot, campursari music has experienced many developments. It is also known internationally.
Penetrating the international market was achieved by Didi Kempot who was able to bring campursari songs to the international scene in Suriname and the Netherlands in 1993 and 1996. Until now, campursari music genre is very popular in various parts of the archipelago. Thanks to his dedication to the Indonesian music world with the campursari genre, Didi Kempot received the title of Exemplary Javanese Singer.
6. As Indonesian Folk Music

(credit: http://richardabel.org/)
The campursari music genre is considered as a typical Indonesian music and can even be called a cultural heritage. This is because campursari music is closely related to the culture, using Javanese style, traditional musical instruments, and occasionally the singers wear Javanese attire.
Although it has evolved, the distinctive characteristics of campursari still remain and endure until now. The popularity is thanks to the works of artists who are able to combine music with the current era.
Nowadays, the campursari music genre can be enjoyed by various groups of people and is able to compete with other popular music in the entertainment world. Those are some things about the campursari music genre sung by Didi Kempot. Although the legendary singer has passed away, his works are still remembered. Rest in Peace, Didi Kempot.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.