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Ghea Youbi's Plek Ketiplek Sibling, 8 Portraits of Gina & Gita who are Equally Famous as their Younger Sibling

Ghea Youbi's Plek Ketiplek Sibling, 8 Portraits of Gina & Gita who are Equally Famous as their Younger Sibling - Ghea Youbi is a famous dangdut singer in Indonesia. She often attracts attention because of her beautiful appearance, so it's no wonder that netizens are curious about her activities.

KLovers, do you know that Ghea Youbi actually has equally famous older sisters? They are Gina and Gita. Curious? Check out their portraits below.

1. Ghea Youbi can be categorized as a successful young dangdut singer. Ghea, who was born on April 4, 2000, already has many gig jobs, one of which is off air.

2. But did you know, KLovers? Long before Ghea Youbi appeared, her two older siblings had already immersed themselves in the dangdut music industry. They are known by the names Gina Youbi and Gita Youbi.

3. Here are portraits of the closeness between Gina and Ghea. The beautiful and charming faces of these siblings are truly identical, from their lips to their chins. The difference is, Gina now dresses modestly.

4. Gina Youbi and Gita Youbi have been involved in the dangdut music industry since 2010. They are part of the Duo Racun group, don't you know, KLovers?

5. Duo Racun has released many songs and were very popular in their time, one of them titled Dari Hongkong. When they were still active as singers, Gina and Gita were known for their sexy appearance.

6. Now Gina appears covered. In her personal Instagram, she has been wearing a hijab since December 2023.

7. Unlike Gina, Gita Youbi often steals attention because of her body goals appearance. Gita often shares her sexy portraits on her personal Instagram.

8. These three siblings have extraordinary beauty. Even Gina Youbi, who is 36 years old, and Gita, who is 32 years old, both still look very young. If they stand next to Ghea, they still look the same age.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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