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Singer from Pacitan Arrested by Police After Discarding Baby Resulting from Illicit Relationship

Singer from Pacitan Arrested by Police After Discarding Baby Resulting from Illicit Relationship Credit: Istimewa - Last May, residents of Pacitan were shocked by the discovery of a baby's body in a residential area. After conducting a deeper investigation, the police finally uncovered the case. The police arrested a female dangdut singer with the initials SWK (23) who was known to be the mother of the baby.

Based on the case and examination, the police designated the resident of Kecamatan Kebonangung, Pacitan Regency, as a suspect. This designation was made because the person was known to have intentionally discarded their own blood.

"After conducting further investigation, the suspect admitted that she was pregnant. Because she was a widow, the suspect gave birth to the baby without medical assistance," said Kasat Reskrim Polres Pacitan Iptu Andreas Hekso, as quoted by via Detik Jatim.

What caused a stir was that SWK killed and discarded her baby because she was ashamed that the child was the result of her illicit relationship with several men.

"The perpetrator admitted to recklessly discarding the baby because she was ashamed of the result of her illicit relationship with several shady men. The police are also still investigating the possibility of other suspects," said AKBP Wildan, as quoted by via Suara.

According to AKBP Wildan Alberd, Hikmah was also known as a local dangdut singer and quite well-known in the Pacitan area.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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