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Rizki DA Doesn't Demand Anything, Nadya Mustika Automatically Gets Custody Rights

Rizki DA Doesn't Demand Anything, Nadya Mustika Automatically Gets Custody Rights Automatic Custody Rights Obtained by Nadya Mustika After Rizki DA Does Not Demand Anything (credit: - Dangdut singer Rizki DA and Nadya Mustika now officially hold a new status as a divorced man and a widow after the Religious Court of Bandung granted Rizki DA's divorce petition.

In the trial, Nadya Mustika was given an invitation to attend the hearing. However, she did not attend and did not appoint a legal representative, so the judge concluded their marriage in absentia.

1. Does Not Demand Anything

In his lawsuit, Rizki DA does not demand anything other than divorce. Therefore, the court decided that custody of their child would be given to Nadya Mustika, considering the child's young age.

"The child is determined to be with the mother," said Mustofa, the spokesperson for the Religious Court of Bandung during a virtual interview with the media on Friday (10/12).

Rizki DA himself also does not object to the court's decision to grant custody to his ex-wife. Considering that in his lawsuit, Rizki DA only wants a divorce and does not include any claims for property or custody rights.

2. Waiting for Nadya's Decision

Now, the court only needs to wait whether Nadya Mustika accepts the decision or not. If she accepts, within the next 14 days, Rizki DA only needs to proceed with the divorce oath hearing.

"If there is no opposition within 14 days, it will be considered legally binding," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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