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Staying Productive During the Pandemic, Cici Paramida and Siti KDI Spread Religion Through the Song 'Semesta Bershalawat'

Staying Productive During the Pandemic, Cici Paramida and Siti KDI Spread Religion Through the Song 'Semesta Bershalawat' Cici Paramida and Siti KDI © Eka Permana - The moment of Ramadan to compete for rewards is not wasted by dangdut singers Cici Paramida and Siti Rahmawati. Ahead of this year's Ramadan, the siblings released a religious song titled Semesta Bershalawat which aims to spread the message through poetry.

"Our intention is to spread the message, to preach through poetry. Hopefully, with this, more people will love Rasulullah," said Cici Paramida at the Sunda Kelapa Mosque, Menteng, Jakarta, on Monday (29/3/2021).


1. Also for Syiar

"Hopefully, with the salawat that we bring, it can also be sung by the Indonesian people, especially and the world community in general. We hope that with this song, we can also spread the message," Siti added.

Through the song Semesta Bershalawat, Cici and Siti also want to show their love for Rasulullah, Muhammad SAW.


2. Proof of Love

"Shalawat is a song of praise for the Prophet Muhammad and us as the followers of the Prophet. It is a proof of love and a way to feel close to him," said Cici.

"Because Allah has also promised to give goodness to His servants who love to recite shalawat," added Siti.


3. Simple Arrangement

The song Semesta Bershalawat is arranged in a simple way to make it easier for listeners to understand the lyrics. Cici and Siti hope that their song can be accepted and loved.

"If many people like it, Alhamdulillah," said Siti, agreed by Cici Paramida.

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone to remain productive like Siti and Cici. However, always remember #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message). Be diligent in washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and limiting mobility.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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