Long time no hear, now Clara Gopa Duo Semangka looks even slimmer. In addition, her photos now make many netizens stunned, especially when they see her increasingly pointed chin. Curious? Let's take a closer look here!
Long time no hear, now Clara Gopa Duo Semangka looks even slimmer. In addition, her photos now make many netizens stunned, especially when they see her increasingly pointed chin. Curious? Let's take a closer look here!
Clara Gopa, who is no longer like before. Now, this former member of Duo Semangka is getting slimmer.
In her Instagram posts, Clara often shares moments of her transformation that make people amazed.
In addition to getting thinner, her chin shape has also become a highlight because it has changed and become more pointed.
Regular exercise has caused her weight to drop drastically and has made netizens focus on her current body.
Her current appearance is said to be even more beautiful and a body goal!
Although she used to have a body she called 'jumbo,' Clara has no hesitation in uploading her old photos.
Her weight is now stable at 53 kg. However, it seems that Clara wants to become even slimmer.
Now Clara looks much more confident, especially with her body which is now much more ideal.
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