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Via Vallen Holds a 7-Month Celebration, Reveals Initials of her Future Child

Via Vallen Holds a 7-Month Celebration, Reveals Initials of her Future Child Via Vallen and Chevra in the 7th Month Event - Wow, it's unbelievable, it's already been seven months since the beautiful Via Vallen got pregnant. To celebrate this happy moment, Via Vallen held a tingkeban event at their home in Tanggulangin, East Java on Saturday (22/6/2024).

Tingkeban, a ceremony held to protect the seven months of pregnancy, has become an inseparable tradition. Not only that, Via Vallen also didn't miss uploading exciting photos of this seven-month moment on her Instagram account.

The event took place solemnly and was attended by their families. However, the most interesting thing is that Via Vallen also gave hints about the initials of their baby's name. "Alhamdulillah, tingkeban baby A went smoothly," she wrote.

Well, here are six exciting portraits of Via Vallen during the tingkeban event with her husband.

1. Via Vallen's Performance

Truly captivating, in the event Via Vallen appeared so dazzling with a dress adorned with charming jasmine flowers.

But not only that, she also posed warmly with her beloved husband, Chevra Yolandi. Such a romantic and touching moment!

2. Paying Respect to Mother

Via Vallen and Chevra pay their respects to their parents in such a touching way, KLovers. The mother embraces Via Vallen with love, making the heart feel warm. Truly a romantic moment, undeniable.

3. Paying Respect to Husband

Now, it is time for Via to express her presence to her dearly beloved husband. With heartfelt sincerity, Via humbly apologizes, and Chevra lovingly kisses her gently.

4. Hugs and Kisses

Chevra immediately embraced and kissed his wife with affection. In her explanation, Via sincerely thanked everyone who has prayed for her well-being and the well-being of the baby in her womb.

5. Via Gives Thanks

“May you always grow healthy, my child, ami & abi. Thank you to the family, as well as friends who were present and prayed for baby A,” wrote Via Vallen.


6. Soon to be Parents

In their loving gaze, Via and Chevra looked at each other, and never once did it cross their minds that next month they would enter a new phase as official parents.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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