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Video of Lucinta Luna Depressed Circulates, Former Manager Reveals Another Fact

Video of Lucinta Luna Depressed Circulates, Former Manager Reveals Another Fact Ratna Pandita - Isa Zega - Gebby Vesta ©®/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - Some time ago, the legal counsel of Lucinta Luna held a press conference regarding the case involving their client. In the agenda, a video was shown which was described as the condition when Lucinta experienced severe depression.

However, a different fact was revealed by Isa Zega, the former manager of Lucinta Luna. According to him, what happened in the video was a situation when the singer of the song Bobo Dimana was having an argument with her partner, Abash.

"What is shown in the video, I know for sure, is them fighting with each other. Every time they fight, it's like that, she becomes hysterical," said Isa Zega, who was met in the Kalibata area, South Jakarta, last Tuesday (18/2).


1. Money Field

Furthermore, Isa Zega said that it is impossible for Lucinta Luna to be depressed because of experiencing bullying. Instead, a lot of money flows into the singer's account from there.

"You media probably know that bullying is a money field for her (Lucinta), a money field, a money field, like that," he emphasized.

2. Just an Excuse

Meeting at the same place, Gebby Vesta explained that it is normal for Lucinta Luna's party to come up with various excuses. Because drug users always look for reasons when they have dealings with the police.

"The Police Chief has also said to stop the drama because every drug user, when caught, always says it's because of depression, fatigue reliever, because of stress," said DJ who is currently in conflict with Lucinta.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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