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Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

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Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

Written by Adinda Maulidya Ninggar

Ariana Grande and Joe Jonas have apparently openly discussed Botox and lip fillers. As reported by ELLE Magazine Australia, Botox and fillers can be used to reduce signs of aging and enhance facial features.

In the past, discussions about Botox may have been considered taboo. Now, these celebrities bravely talk about it in public. In fact, many of them admit regretting undergoing such procedures! Curious about their stories? Read more below!


Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

When appearing on Vogue Beauty Secret on Youtube, Ariana Grande revealed that she had been doing botox and fillers for years. "I used to do lip fillers and botox for years. However, I stopped in 2018 because I felt it was excessive," said Ariana. Not only that, she even appeared to hold back tears because she admitted that she did botox to "hide" herself.


It's not just Ariana Grande who regrets it. Jessica Simpson also admitted to having done lip injections and ended up regretting it. As reported by ELLE Magazine, the American singer once revealed this secret to Glamour Magazine. "It looked fake. I didn't like it." She was also very grateful that the effects of the lip injections disappeared within 4 months.


Unlike Ariana Grande and Jessica Simpson, Kim Kardashian admits that she would do anything to look younger. In an interview with Allure Magazine, Kim Kardashian revealed that she had undergone minimal botox around her eyebrows. The mother of four also admitted that she did it to prevent wrinkles. Additionally, Kim also confessed that she has never had lip fillers.

Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

Unlike her sister, Kylie Jenner prefers to have lip fillers. Last year, in an interview with Hommegirls, Kylie Jenner said that she has no regrets about getting lip fillers. "I got lip fillers and it's the best thing I've ever done. I don't regret it either," said the mother of two.

Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

Well, maybe this is the secret to the eternal youth of the beautiful actress Cindy Crawford, KLovers. According to Women's Health Magazine, the 57-year-old model and actress said in InStyle Magazine that she has had vitamin injections, Botox, and collagen. However, Cindy Crawford certainly doesn't rely solely on these treatments to look beautiful and healthy. "I drink a lot of water, pay attention to what I eat, and exercise," said the mother of Kaia Gerber.


Orlando Bloom's girlfriend, Katy Perry, apparently opens up about her facial treatments in addition to using skincare. She even recommends treatments that can enhance one's appearance. Katy Perry told Refinery29, a news portal in America, that she has had laser treatments and injections under her eyes. She did this to get rid of dark circles or panda eyes under her eye bags.

Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

Who doesn't know Nicole Kidman? Besides Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman has also undergone botox, KLovers. However, Nicole Kidman feels that the side effects of botox hinder her from performing to the fullest when acting for the big screen. Through an Italian newspaper called La Republica, Nicola Kidman admits to have stopped using botox in order to freely move her face.

Ariana Grande Admits Regret, 8 Hollywood Celebrities Who Also Underwent Botox and Lip Fillers

Who would've thought there's Joe Jonas? The singer and former husband of Sophie Turner revealed that there's no need to avoid or hide things about facial treatments. Apparently, Joe Jonas told PEOPLE Magazine that he collaborated with a cosmetic brand and received injections to address wrinkles and creases.

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