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Meghan Markle Doesn't Want to Get Pregnant Again in a Hurry, Here's the Reason

Meghan Markle Doesn't Want to Get Pregnant Again in a Hurry, Here's the Reason Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor - Meghan Markle @ Splashnews - Not long after moving to Canada, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have decided to move again. According to the latest news, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have bought a new house in Los Angeles, California.

Fortunately, they managed to move before California issued a lockdown order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus or COVID-19. Currently, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are in quarantine at their new home.

Happy with their new life in a new place, Meghan and Harry apparently are not ready to have another child. This news was directly conveyed by a source through an interview with Us Weekly.

1. Full Focus for Baby Archie

"They will only be serious as soon as possible. Currently, they are still enjoying their beautiful days with him (baby Archie). They do want to have another child, but they don't want to be pressured in the current situation," said the source as quoted from Us Magazine.

As we know, not only struggling to start their new life in America, Meghan and Harry also want to give full love to Archie. Moreover, their beloved son is only 10 months old.

2. Comeback Through Disney Documentary

Not only that, Meghan is also focusing on restarting her career in the entertainment industry. As we know, this beautiful actress from the United States will voice a character in the latest Disney documentary film.

Meghan is cast to voice the character of Elephant in the film that will be released on April 3. Can't wait to see what the Duchess's comeback project, which will donate its earnings, will be like? ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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