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Mother's Day, Kensington Palace Releases Photo of Kate Middleton Carrying Princess Charlotte

Mother's Day, Kensington Palace Releases Photo of Kate Middleton Carrying Princess Charlotte Charlotte Elizabeth Diana - Kate Middleton @ Splashnews - Every country certainly has different schedules for Mother's Day celebrations. While Indonesia always celebrates it on December 22nd, the people of England usually commemorate this special moment on March 22nd.

To commemorate this very special Mother's Day, Kensington Palace has just released the latest photo of Prince William and Kate Middleton. It shows a sweet moment when they spend time with their son and daughter.

1. Carrying Princess Charlotte

Unlike usual, the released photo this time is a candid portrait when they were playing in an open field. A sweet scene can be seen when Kate Middleton is busy carrying Charlotte Elizabeth Diana while running fast.

Beside her, Prince William can be seen carrying Prince George on his back. The four of them seem to be having fun, unfortunately, the whereabouts of the youngest Louis Arthur Charles is unknown.

2. Happy Mother's Day!

Not only uploading a photo of Kate, the @kensingtonroyal account also showcases a sweet photo of the late Princess Diana and Kate's mother named Carole Middleton. Through the post, they wrote a Mother's Day greeting for all mothers around the world.

"For all young and old mothers, (those who are able to) spend time together or apart from their families, we think of you in difficult times like this. Happy Mother's Day," it says as the caption.

3. Greeting Card from Prince George

In the last photo post, Kensington Palace also showcased a special gift presented by Prince George to his mother. Just look at how it appears in the photo above.

Considering his age of only 6 years old, George is so talented to be able to draw a very beautiful and neat flower vase. He even added a symbol of love inside the yellow-colored flower vase. Sweet!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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