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Prevent the Spread of the Corona Virus, Demi Lovato Leaves the House Wearing a Mask & Gloves

Prevent the Spread of the Corona Virus, Demi Lovato Leaves the House Wearing a Mask & Gloves Demi Lovato © Splashnews - The corona virus or COVID-19 epidemic has indeed spread worldwide. Many cities and countries have implemented lockdown policies to prevent the spread of this virus. Nevertheless, there are still many people who dare to leave their homes, including Demi Lovato.

Carrying out her activities as usual, Demi Lovato was still busy shopping for groceries in the Los Angeles area last Sunday (15/3). To protect herself from the spread of the corona virus, this former Disney star has her own way. Want to know?

1. Wear Masks & Gloves

Just look at Demi Lovato's appearance in the picture above. The paparazzi camera captured her as she walked into a supermarket in the Los Angeles area.

The singer of the song 'Sorry Not Sorry' can be seen wearing a black mask and gloves when she got out of her car. Not only that, Demi also wore a covered outfit consisting of a shirt and black pants.

2. Tom Hanks to Minister Budi Karya Positive for Corona

Demi did this as an effort to prevent the coronavirus. When she goes out and visits public places, she chooses to wear a mask and gloves to avoid direct contact with people who carry the virus or contaminated objects.

As we know, the coronavirus has affected a number of world celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Juventus player Daniele Rugani, and many others. In Indonesia, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has also been reported positive for COVID-19.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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