RINGS OF POWER is known to be the most expensive TV series. The second position is followed by a series from Amazon Prime, CITADEL, and the latest Marvel series through Disney Plus, SECRET INVASION. Apparently, it's not just movies that require thorough preparation, but TV series also don't want to lose in terms of being more advanced and comprehensive.
Now, do you know, KLovers? There are many things that need to be fulfilled when producing a cool series. Moreover, some of the series mentioned here have a fantasy genre, which means that costumes, weapons, and other props must be in accordance with the chosen setting. This is where money plays a role, KLovers! The bigger the budget, the more advanced and cool the TV series produced will be. The value of US$ 1 in this news is equivalent to Rp15,360.2. Now, are you curious about which TV series have the highest budget?