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Zayn Malik Attacked by YouTuber Jake Paul, Gigi Hadid Defends Him

Zayn Malik Attacked by YouTuber Jake Paul, Gigi Hadid Defends Him Gigi Hadid - Jake Paul © Splashnews - - The name Gigi Hadid suddenly became a hot topic on Twitter last Sunday (2/23). It's not without reason, it's all because of the defense she wrote for Zayn Malik when he was attacked by a YouTuber named Jake Paul.

After some investigation, it turns out that Zayn Malik and Jake Paul watched the boxing match between Tyson Fury vs Deontay Wilder held at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas on Saturday (2/22) afternoon. Apparently, they met and Jake was offended by Zayn's behavior towards him.

"I almost fought with Zane (Zayn) from One Direction because he's still immature and lacks manners. He told me to leave for no reason when I was being nice to him. Zane, I know you're reading this, stop being angry because you went back to your hotel room alone hahaha," wrote Zayn.

1. Gigi Hadid Stands Up

Not accepting Zayn Malik being insulted in public, Gigi Hadid immediately stood up and wrote a defense. This beautiful blonde supermodel replied to Jake Paul's tweet with equally harsh words.

"Lol, just because he doesn't want to join you and your embarrassing YouTube crew? (Zayn) goes home with his friends like a respected king, he also has me, darling. Not bothered at all by your unclear rants. Go sleep," wrote Gigi.

2. Deleting Old Tweets, Admitting Being Drunk

Naturally, Gigi's equally harsh response immediately caused a stir on social media, especially Twitter. A few hours later, Jake decided to delete his previous tweet.

"I need someone to secure my phone when I'm drunk, because I'm a complete idiot," wrote Jake, admitting to losing consciousness when writing the controversial tweet earlier.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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