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7 Best Indonesian Romance Films of 2022, from School-themed to Novel Best Sellers

7 Best Indonesian Romance Films of 2022, from School-themed to Novel Best Sellers Indonesian Romance Film Recommendations (credit: - Romantic genre films are one of the favorites among film enthusiasts. What's interesting is that not only does it focus on the romantic genre, but it's also combined with several other genres such as drama, family, and even action.

A series of the best Indonesian romance films of 2022 are diverse. From school-themed to adult love stories, you can watch them all according to your wishes. Meanwhile, some of the best Indonesian romance film recommendations are also adapted from the best-selling novels of famous writers.

Therefore, if you are looking for the best Indonesian romance film recommendations of 2022, check out the list below. Here are the must-watch Indonesian romance films.








DEAR NATHAN: THANK YOU SALMA is the best Indonesian romance film recommendation for 2022. This film, which was released early in 2022, features drama and romance genres. DEAR NATHAN: THANK YOU SALMA is a continuation of the previous season, which has already aired and is very popular.

Starring Amanda Rawles and Jefri Nichol, the film DEAR NATHAN: THANK YOU SALMA tells the story of Nathan and Salma's love story. Their love story begins with a new chapter after graduating from high school. Nathan and Salma experience a number of problems in their relationship. They are both campus activists but have different paths. One day, Nathan is asked for help by his colleague named Zanna, who has been sexually harassed.

However, only Nathan and a few others know about this case. On the other hand, Nathan does not tell Salma about this issue. This is what also makes their relationship start to experience ups and downs. Moreover, there is a senior student who also has an interest in Salma named Afkar. So, what is the end of Salma and Nathan's love story? You can make this film the best viewing option.








CINTA SUBUH is the best Indonesian romance film recommendation in 2022. This film is starred by Dinda Hauw, Dimas Seto, Rey Mbayang, and Roger Danuarta. Where CINTA SUBUH raises the drama, religious, and romance genres.

Meanwhile, the synopsis of CINTA SUBUH tells the story of Ratih's love story who is confused by the presence of two people in her life. Ratih has her own criteria for a partner at her mature age. She was asked to get married soon by her family. At the same time, Ratih is known to be close to a man named Angga.

However, Angga can be said to not meet Ratih's criteria. Even so, Ratih likes Angga. On the other hand, Angga also did not propose to Ratih in the midst of his family's pressure. Meanwhile, there is a man named Arya who is ready to propose to Ratih. This is what makes Ratih finally confused whether to continue a relationship with Angga or accept Arya's proposal.








The next best Indonesian romance film recommendation for 2022 is THE OTHER SIDE. The film is starred by popular names such as Davina Karamoy, Bryan Andrew, Sandy Pradana, Pamela Bowie. The synopsis of THE OTHER SIDE tells the story of a teenager named Alea.

The story begins when Alea transfers to a new school and meets a man named Revo. Revo reminds Alea of her ex-boyfriend who had hurt her deeply. At the same time, it turns out that her ex named Reynand also transferred to a similar school. This makes Alea face her past once again.








MERINDU CAHAYA DE AMSTEL is the next best Indonesian romance film recommendation for 2022. The film has achieved a quite high rating, making it the best romance film of 2022. Starring Amanda Rawles and Bryan Domani, the film MERINDU CAHAYA DE AMSTEL tells a love story wrapped in a religious story.

The main focus is on the characters named Nico, Khadija, and Kamala. Nico meets Khadija accidentally when he was taking pictures at Museumplein. At the same time, Nico is very impressed with Khadija's figure and falls in love at first sight. Khadija herself is known as a beautiful hijab-wearing girl who manages to make Nico fall in love. Khadija's life changes when she meets Nico.

On the other hand, their love story has a high barrier because of their religious differences, as Khadija is religious while Nico is an atheist or agnostic. At the same time, Nico also meets Kamala, who is Khadija's friend. He is confused about his own feelings.








MY SASSY GIRL is also the next recommended best Indonesian romance film. For Korean film fans, the title MY SASSY GIRL is certainly not unfamiliar. Yes, this film is a remake of a Korean film and starred by Tiara Andini and Jefri Nichol.

Meanwhile, the synopsis of MY SASSY GIRL tells the story of a man named Gian who accidentally meets Sisi. They actually have very different characters. Although there was a misunderstanding at first because Sisi accused Gian of having bad intentions when he took her to a hotel, which was actually to keep her safe. But gradually, the seeds of love grow between them that will make you emotional.








RANAH 3 WARNA was released in 2022, featuring the charming roles of young stars such as Arbani Yasiz, Amanda Rawles, and Teuku Rassya. The synopsis of RANAH 3 WARNA tells the story of Alif Fikri who starts his new life as a college student.

At the same time, his friend named Randai is also studying. However, they have competition in everything, including love stories. Until one day, Alif and Randai both like the same girl, Raisa. They compete to win Raisa's heart in their own ways.








Next recommended Indonesian romance film is GARIS WAKTU. This film was released early in 2022 and stars the charming roles of Reza Rahadian, Anya Geraldine, and Michelle Ziudith. This film is an adaptation of the best-selling novel by Fiersa Besari.

The synopsis of GARIS WAKTU tells the story of Senandika, who is known as a cafe singer. One day, Sena accidentally meets April. A romantic love story begins between them, but it is hindered by parental disapproval. Due to this situation, April is transferred abroad to keep her away from Sena. She asks her friend to take care of Sena while she is away. However, their togetherness only makes their love grow. Will April and Sena's love story have a happy ending?

Those are the best recommended Indonesian romance films in 2022 that you must watch. Enjoy watching.








Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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