Written by: Ainuni Rahmita.
JAGAT ARWAH is an Indonesian horror-fantasy adventure film that will be released on September 29, 2022. This film is directed by Ruben Adrian and stars Oka Antara, Cinta Laura, Ari Irham, and many more.
The film tells the story of a man named Raga (Ari Irham), a musician who is searching for his identity. Raga meets someone who is able to open his third eye.
Raga is confronted by two realms, the human realm and the spirit realm, in the process of finding his identity, and he will become the guardian of both realms.
After starring in other well-known films such as MENCURI RADEN SALEH, AFTER MET YOU, and TERLALU TAMPAN, Ari Irham is once again trusted to be the main actor in the film JAGAT ARWAH. Take a look at Ari Irham's portraits in this film!