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Synopsis of 'BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN OF THE HEART' Version 2023, Continuation of the Romance Story of Galih and Ratna as the Closing of August

Synopsis of 'BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN OF THE HEART' Version 2023, Continuation of the Romance Story of Galih and Ratna as the Closing of August Film 'BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN OF THE HEART', Sequel to 'LOVE SONG FROM HIGH SCHOOL' Film (photo credit: - Written by Anjellia Alfina Verronica - At the end of August 2023, Indonesian cinema lovers will be presented with a romantic teenage genre film, BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN OF THE HEART. Surely everyone is already familiar with the love story of Galih and Ratna, right? The legendary romance of the 80s that became a favorite among young people across generations.

After successfully retelling the sweet story of Galih and Ratna in the film LOVE SONG FROM HIGH SCHOOL on February 9, 2023, which is a remake of the same title film in the 80s, renowned director, Monty Tiwa, is once again presenting BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN OF THE HEART which is a sequel or continuation of the story of Galih and Ratna who were separated.

Starring the same cast as the film LOVE SONG FROM HIGH SCHOOL, this film, adapted from the legendary novel by Eddy D Iskandar, is played by Prilly Latuconsina and Yesaya Abraham. BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN OF THE HEART will grace the cinema screens on August 31, 2023. Curious about the depiction of Galih and Ratna's story in the 2023 version of this film? Let's take a look at the synopsis below!


This film will focus on the story of Galih and Marlina. After the love story of Galih and Ratna failed, Galih, who is a senior music student at an Art campus in the Capital City and a successful singer with his first album, meets Marlina, a beautiful woman who looks very similar to his ex-girlfriend. Marlina herself is an art student.

Their first meeting makes Galih fascinated by Marlina. Their relationship becomes more intense and, without realizing it, Galih starts to have feelings for Marlina. Unfortunately, Galih's feelings arise faster because Marlina has a similar appearance to Ratna, his ex-girlfriend in the past.

Slowly but surely, their relationship becomes deeper and they become a couple. However, even though they are immersed in love, Galih is worried about rejection from Marlina's parents due to their social status differences.

Conflict arises when Galih's rival, a successful person who is able to win the hearts and blessings of Marlina's parents, appears and Ratna suddenly reappears. The appearance of Ratna makes Marlina doubt Galih's feelings. Meanwhile, Galih is trapped in a dilemma between achieving success to win Marlina or following his feelings for Ratna.

So, who will Galih finally choose to be his love? Ratna, his first love, or Marlina, a modern and firm figure who captivates his heart?

To answer this curiosity, watch their story in the nearest cinema on August 31st!



The film BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN OF THE HEART is starred by a number of famous artists such as:

1. Prilly Latuconsina
2. Yesaya Abraham
3. Dewi Gita
4. Lukman Sardi
5. Arnold Leonard
6. Vladimir Rama
7. Jasmine Nadya
8. Nala Amrytha
9. Sadha Triyudha
10. Ariyo Wahab
11. Elmayana Sabrenia
12. Dicky Wahyudi

Prilly herself plays two characters, Ratna and Marlina. Meanwhile, her co-star, Yesaya Abraham, plays the character Galih. Although Prilly is known to have a little difficulty playing two different characters in one frame, she is able to overcome it well.


3. Watch the Trailer Below!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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