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Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Indonesian Film 2022

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Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Written by: My Daughter Aishwarya Ravelia. 

ADAGIUM is the latest film by director Rizal Mantovani that will explore the theme of friendship with the twists and turns of a love triangle. Not only that, ADAGIUM also touches on conflicts that threaten national security.

This film, produced by Brainstorminc Entertainment Indonesia, will be starred by Jihane Almira, Pangeran Lantang, and Angga Asyafriena as the main cast. It also features Rizky Hanggono, Dennis Adhiswara, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Mike Lucock, and many more.

Curious? Let's take a look at the synopsis of ADAGIUM below…


Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

ADAGIUM tells the story of a friendship that has existed since childhood between Arga (Angga Asyafriena), Bian (Pangeran Lantang), and Alenda (Jihane Almira).

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

These three friends have different characters. Arga is caring, while Bian tends to be indifferent and always liked by many people. Meanwhile, Alenda is a genius, caring for others, and innocent.


These three friends graduate from high school and continue their studies. Arga takes a law major, while Alenda takes a programming major.

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Meanwhile, Bian chooses not to go to college because he works as an online motorcycle taxi driver. However, Bian has aspirations to become a famous painter.


The friendship among the three of them began to waver when feelings of love emerged between Arga and Bian towards Alenda.

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

One day, Alenda kissed Bian, which made Arga angry and jealous. When Arga found out about it, he was very disappointed, leading to a conflict between them.

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Until one day, Arga distanced himself from his two friends and decided to join the military.

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Meanwhile, Alenda, who has exceptional IT and hacking skills, got trapped by terrorists and kidnapped.

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Alenda is manipulated by a terrorist group and forced to sabotage the system to plan strategies to overthrow the president.


Knowing that Alenda has been kidnapped, Arga and Bian try to save their friend from the abduction.

Synopsis of the Film 'ADAGIUM', a Story of Friendship to Love Triangle and Ending Up Trapped in Conflict that Threatens the Country

Can they save Alenda from the mission that threatens the country? Can their friendship be restored? Watch ADAGIUM coming soon on January 26, 2023, in cinemas throughout Indonesia.