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6 Latest Turkish Drama Series in 2023 that are Worth Watching, Complete with All Genres and Streaming Channels

6 Latest Turkish Drama Series in 2023 that are Worth Watching, Complete with All Genres and Streaming Channels Turkish Drama Series (credit: - Turkish drama series is also popular in Indonesia. Moreover, there are several Turkish series that have been aired on several local TV stations and have attracted the attention of viewers.

In addition to the fairly familiar Asian dramas, there are several Turkish series with exciting storylines. So it's worth putting them on your watchlist for the latest Turkish series released in 2023. From romance, crime, thriller to fantasy genres, the reviews below can be a recommendation to watch the latest Turkish dramas.

Let's check out the complete list of the latest Turkish drama series released in 2023 with various genres. Also, find out the synopsis and streaming channels to watch the latest Turkish drama series below KLovers.


New Turkish drama that shouldn't be missed is SHAHMARAN. This Turkish drama brings adventure, fantasy, and drama genres, starring Serenay Sarikaya, Burak Deniz, Mert Ramazan Demir, and others.

Meanwhile, the synopsis of SHAHMARAN tells the journey of Sahsu who goes to the city of Adana to work as a teacher. He decides to go to Adana and live with his grandfather. In the city, there are mysterious events that he faces, including concerning the legend in the village. He also meets the descendant of Shahmaran, Mar. You can watch this series on Netflix and see the tension that occurs from Sahsu's journey amidst the Shahmaran descendant.


The next new Turkish drama in 2023 is ADIM FARAH. This Turkish drama focuses on the crime and thriller genres that you shouldn't miss. Meanwhile, the Turkish series ADIM FARAH tells the story of a woman named Farah Ersadi from Iran who illegally goes to Istanbul.

She is a surgeon who has a child with a congenital disease. Meanwhile, her safety suddenly becomes threatened after witnessing a murder. This involves a mafia group that puts Farah and her son at stake. You can watch this Turkish drama on FOX channel.


The next Turkish drama is THE TAILOR. This drama is a thrilling mystery genre that you shouldn't miss. Meanwhile, THE TAILOR is played by several famous stars such as Cagatay Ulusoy, Sifanur Gul, Salih Bademci, and others.

According to Netflix's synopsis, THE TAILOR tells the story of a famous tailor who is trusted to make a wedding dress for his best friend's fiancée. However, an event changes everything and involves their dark secrets. You can watch THE TAILOR on Netflix.


WHO WERE WE RUNNING FROM? is the latest Turkish drama in 2023 that revolves around the crime and mystery genre. This drama is filled with mysterious stories involving a mother who tries to protect her child in various ways. The mother is even willing to kill anyone who runs towards her and her daughter to keep her daughter safe.

Eventually, the mother and daughter get involved in criminal activities and become fugitives from the police. Their journey is filled with several tragedies that threaten their lives, including when the famous mother Bambi gets shot by the police while trying to escape. You can watch this drama on Netflix.


Turkish drama series MAN ON PAUSE is the next one. This Turkish drama focuses on the comedy genre, which is suitable for those of you who are looking for light-hearted story dramas. Starring Engin Gunaydin as Yusuf, Tamer Karadagli as Halit, and Derya Karadas as Meryem, among others.

The synopsis of the Turkish series MAN ON PAUSE tells the story of a man in his 50s who tries to find his happiness. They face quite complicated situations, from family problems to other issues. Therefore, a change is made to achieve that happiness. You can watch this drama on Netflix.


ANOTHER SELF is also a Turkish drama series that shouldn't be missed. This Turkish drama was actually released in 2022 but is still worth watching until now. Especially for fans of Turkish romance dramas, ANOTHER SELF can be added to your watchlist. This Turkish drama is starring Tuba Buyukustun, Riza Kocaoglu, and Seda Bakan.

Meanwhile, ANOTHER SELF tells the story of three friends who have a very strong bond since they became friends in college. They then embark on a journey to find a man named Zaman, who is being sought by Sevgi. Not without reason, Sevgi tries to meet this man after being diagnosed with cancer. This journey changes the lives of these three friends. Moreover, they also meet new people during the journey. You can watch ANOTHER SELF on Netflix.

Those are the latest Turkish drama series in 2023 that you shouldn't miss. So it can be a reference for Turkish drama shows released in 2023.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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