The Chinese Film Exhibition 2025 officially closed with the screening of two outstanding films that captured the audience's attention, namely Personal Persistence by director Xing Xao and Into the Mortal World, an animated film produced by Winsing Animation. The event, which took place at Cinepolis Senayan Park on Thursday (1/16/2025), also commemorated 75 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China and welcomed the Lunar New Year.
“This is a special moment, not only to commemorate 75 years of diplomatic relations, but also to welcome the Lunar New Year,” said Wang Siping, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia.
The film Personal Persistence, directed and produced by Xing Xao, is set in Tibet with its natural beauty located at an altitude of more than 4000 meters above sea level. The film tells the story of a Han man named Zhong Ken who aspires to be a singer of the tale of King Gesar. However, his life journey leads him to learn to accept reality and let go of his obsession.
“The shooting was in Tibet, which is over 4000 meters above sea level. Even though we shot for up to 10 hours, sometimes the results are just a little,” said Xing Xao when met at the closing night of the film exhibition. Here are the details.