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Film 'MORTAL KOMBAT': New Character Cole Young Plays a Vital Role for the Audience

Film 'MORTAL KOMBAT': New Character Cole Young Plays a Vital Role for the Audience Lewis Tan in MORTAL KOMBAT. Credit: Warner Bros Pictures - Fans have been eagerly anticipating the release of MORTAL KOMBAT on April 16th. The film trailer, adapted from the video game, has already been viewed millions of times on YouTube alone. The enthusiasm of fans can also be seen from the positive comments that have emerged about the trailer. 

MORTAL KOMBAT has already rooted itself in the minds of fans. 22 games have been created since its first appearance in 1992. Not only that, MORTAL KOMBAT has also been made into a feature film in 1995 and 1997. In its debut on the big screen, MORTAL KOMBAT was directed by Paul W. Anderson (director of RESIDENT EVIL and MONSTER HUNTER).

Now, MORTAL KOMBAT is being revived through the vision of producer Todd Garner and director Simon McQuoid. The latest version is starred by action actors from many countries, including Joe Taslim who plays Sub-Zero. 

Are you ready to enter the world of Mortal Kombat, which has a long history in the gaming and film industry?





1. Many Important Characters in the Story

MORTAL KOMBAT tells the story of a life-and-death tournament between fighters from Earth (human realm) and from Elseworld (another world). The side that wins five times in a row will be given the power to dominate the opponent's world. It is said that Earth has lost four times already. So this tournament is the last hope for Earth to not fall into the hands of Elseworld. 

There are approximately 13 fighter characters that will be introduced in this film. It's not a small number if the audience has never played the game or watched the previous films. But there's no need to worry because director Simon McQuoid promises to make it easy for the audience, especially those who are new to MORTAL KOMBAT. 

"If you watch the film later, each character will be introduced in the right way. So I want to give a complete picture to the audience and will introduce the characters properly with the story. If I tell you everything here, it will ruin your enjoyment of watching," said Simon in an interview with KapanLagi, Tuesday (16/3).

As someone who is closely connected to the gaming world, Simon also doesn't want to show favoritism by giving more emphasis to certain characters. Although there will still be a difference between the main characters and the supporting ones.

"I try to balance it so that one character won't get more screen time than the others. I will make each character's development strong, so they appear important in supporting the storyline," he added.

From the teaser and trailer that have been released, Earth will be represented by Cole Young, Sonya Blade, Jax, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Scorpion. Meanwhile, from Elseworld, there will be Sub-Zero, Cabal, Mileena, and Shang Tsung.

2. New Character as a Guide

With the many characters and iconic details of the Mortal Kombat world, Simon McQuoid introduces the character Cole Young as the central protagonist and as a 'guide' for the audience. With the analogy that Cole is a newcomer to the tournament and must learn many things, it represents the audience who are new to enjoying MORTAL KOMBAT. 

"That's why Cole exists. He represents our perspective as someone who knows nothing about the Mortal Kombat tournament. He will guide us throughout the story," he explained. 

According to Simon, it has become a tradition in Mortal Kombat to add new characters in the latest video game releases. Therefore, Cole's presence in this film is justified.  

"We also know that every time there's a new game version, there will be new characters too. Until now, there have been 87 characters if I'm not mistaken. So the appearance of Cole as a new character is no longer surprising. But just wait, you will discover something new about him when you watch the movie," he promised. 




3. Cool Costume Cole Young

With an important role both in the story structure and in guiding the audience, Cole Young receives special treatment from Simon and the team. In the latest promo for the film on Twitter, Cole can be seen wearing a cool costume resembling chainmail that covers his body, arms, and hands. 

Even more curious to watch the film, right? Look forward to it in the nearest cinema in your city on April 16th. Enjoy watching and stay healthy by adhering to the existing protocols. 





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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