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Film Synopsis THE PRINCE (2014), The Story of a Father Saving His Daughter from Kidnapping in the Cruel Criminal World

Film Synopsis THE PRINCE (2014), The Story of a Father Saving His Daughter from Kidnapping in the Cruel Criminal World Film The Prince (credit: - The film THE PRINCE is an action-thriller film directed by Brian A. Miller. Set in the streets of New Orleans, a former criminal named Paul is forced to relive his dark past when his daughter, Beth, is kidnapped by his old enemy.

With the help of his old friend named Sam, they both enter the dangerous criminal world to track down and save his daughter from the clutches of evil. However, they must face a powerful enemy named Omar, who poses a real threat.

For those of you who want to watch this film, here is the synopsis of the film THE PRINCE, complete with a list of cast members and character explanations. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Film Synopsis THE PRINCE

The film synopsis of THE PRINCE is about a former criminal who is forced to return to his dark world to save his kidnapped daughter. The story begins when Paul, a former prisoner who has tried to leave his past behind, suddenly receives news that his daughter, Beth, has been kidnapped by his old enemy.

In an effort to save his daughter, Paul must confront his old enemy, Omar, a major criminal lurking in the shadows. Paul teams up with his old friend and ally, Sam, to track down and rescue his daughter. They navigate the dark and dangerous underground paths of New Orleans.

While Paul and Sam search for clues and fight against the criminals, they are constantly pursued by Omar and his troops. They must face increasingly dangerous situations and confront the consequences of their dark past. Along their journey, Paul realizes that he cannot escape from his past.

And he must use all his skills and bravery to face the challenges if he wants to save his daughter. With thrilling action and a plot full of surprises, this film portrays the power of a father's love and the desperation that accompanies the struggle to protect loved ones.

2. Cast of the Film THE PRINCE

In addition to the synopsis of the film THE PRINCE, there is also a list of cast members of the film THE PRINCE. And here is the complete list of cast members along with explanations of their characters in the film THE PRINCE:

1. Jason Patric plays Paul

In this film, he is the main character. Paul is a former criminal who tries to leave his past behind and start a new life. However, when his daughter is kidnapped, he is forced to return to his dark world to save her.

2. Bruce Willis plays Omar

In this film, Omar is the main antagonist. He is a major criminal who becomes Paul's biggest enemy. He is the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Paul's daughter and is the main target for Paul to confront.

3. John Cusack plays Sam

In this film, Sam is Paul's old friend who is also a former criminal. He helps Paul in his efforts to rescue his daughter and together they devise strategies to fight against Omar and his troops.

3.Gia Mantegna plays the role of Beth

In this film, Beth is Paul's kidnapped daughter. She becomes the object that needs to be saved by Paul and serves as the main motivation for Paul's journey back into his criminal world.

4.Jessica Lowndes plays the role of Angela

In this film, Angela is Paul's loyal girlfriend. She becomes involved in the conflict when Paul is forced to return to his past to save his daughter.

5. 50 Cent plays the role of The Pharmacy

In this film, The Pharmacy is a criminal who has a connection with Paul and Sam in the past. He assists them with information and advice to track down Paul's daughter.

6. Rain plays the role of Mark

In this film, Mark is Omar's ally and one of the criminals involved in Beth's kidnapping. He becomes one of the enemies that Paul and Sam must face in their rescue journey.

That's the synopsis of the film THE PRINCE that you can know. With breathtaking action scenes, this action-packed film showcases a father's struggle to protect his daughter by any means necessary.


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