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MORTAL KOMBAT Interview: Ludi Lin Helped by Dragon Ball for His Role as Liu Kang

MORTAL KOMBAT Interview: Ludi Lin Helped by Dragon Ball for His Role as Liu Kang Liu Kang in MORTAL KOMBAT - Ludi Lin portrays Liu Kang in the movie MORTAL KOMBAT. This fighter is one of the popular fighters in the world of video games. Not to mention in the two films released in the 90s, Liu Kang became the main character.

Liu Kang is a monk who participates in the life-or-death tournament in MORTAL KOMBAT to save Earthrealm. In the story, the fighters from Earthrealm have lost nine times. If they lose in this tournament, Earth will be invaded by terrible creatures from Netherrealm. One of them is Sub-Zero.

This character, who is synonymous with a red costume, has physical strength beyond that of most humans and can create fire using both hands.

For Ludi, who has favored Liu Kang since childhood, this role in MORTAL KOMBAT is like a dream come true. Who would have thought that his love for the Dragon Ball story would help him delve into his role for this latest film. Listen to our interview with him. 

Producer Todd Garner mentioned that MORTAL KOMBAT strives to make its characters as relatable as possible to the audience. What about Liu Kang?

I believe Liu Kang is the heart of this Mortal Kombat story. It's easy for the audience to connect with him. We don't need to think too hard, just feel it.

What new experiences did you have when joining MORTAL KOMBAT?

I had the opportunity to work with a diverse cast that felt like a family. I felt like I was growing in a new family. And this family grows because when you watch the trailer and react to it, then enjoy it, we become like a family. When you watch the movie later, we will be even closer as a family.

Another experience was enjoying the remote areas in Australia that felt like Mars. Sometimes it feels like in a desert and it's hard to find water. Sometimes at night it's so cold that it freezes even though we still have to act. That makes me miss traveling. There's a place on Earth that feels like another planet. I hope things can go back to normal so we can do it again.

Ludi Lin during the filming of MORTAL KOMBAT. (photo: Warner Bros Pictures)

We believe that acting as if we're shooting fire and shooting it is not easy. How did Ludi make it convincing when it's seen on screen?

Actually, our director prefers a physical approach, something we can touch and feel. So when Liu Kang has to shoot fire from his hands, how can I do it? The first thing we did was apply a gel oil that wouldn't burn my hands but would produce a lot of fire. But the fire wouldn't last long, so our technicians improvised by making gloves that can light up. I can use it like a flashlight that illuminates the filming location. Besides, I used to pretend to throw fireballs when I was a kid. I always imagined myself throwing fireballs, whether it's Dragon Ball or Street Fighter, or Mortal Kombat. I used to do it a lot. And when I have to do it, one mission is accomplished.

It seems like Ludi has been familiar with Mortal Kombat since he was a kid. What was your first experience like?

My first experience playing Mortal Kombat was when I was a kid playing the arcade game. When I successfully performed my first fatality move, I immediately felt that this game was really cool. I spent all my coins on it at that time. I spent a lot of money and time playing this game. So I'm glad I can play the movie now.

I think Liu Kang is the character that people would choose when they first play. He is a good character. He is the hero and also very strong. No one can avoid it. You can keep using that move and win. That's how you save your coins. He is my favorite. Sub-Zero, played by Joe, too. Because he's cool. He freezes his opponents.

Behind the fantastic story, cool fight scenes, what interesting things did you see in this MORTAL KOMBAT movie?

I like the representation in this movie. We don't have to play Asian characters that are matched with certain stereotypes. We just have to be ourselves from various countries and tell their stories. This is not just a story about the world in the movie. There is the Mortal Kombat universe here. I'm curious to see what will come next. How this movie will develop.

Choose 2 fighters that you think will have the best fight in the movie?
I'm interested in seeing Liu Kang and Princess Kitana. Because it will be a fight between two lovers. There's romance, there's passion, and both are skilled fighters. I want more female characters in MORTAL KOMBAT.

MORTAL KOMBAT is showing in theaters since April 14. Watch and witness Joe Taslim's action as Sub-Zero in this film. 


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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