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Synopsis of the Film TRAUMA CENTER (2019), Story of a Woman Who Becomes a Witness to a Murder Struggling to Escape from a Psychopath

Synopsis of the Film TRAUMA CENTER (2019), Story of a Woman Who Becomes a Witness to a Murder Struggling to Escape from a Psychopath Film Trauma Center (credit: - Directed by Matt Eskandari, the film TRAUMA CENTER presents a thrilling thriller story that follows the struggle of a paramedic named Madison Taylor, who accidentally becomes a witness to a brutal murder.

In danger, Madison must fight to survive and uncover the truth amidst a series of mysterious killings. Accompanied by Detective Wakes, she is trapped in a dangerous and deadly game of crime.

With fast-paced action and intense suspense, let's take a look at the synopsis of the film TRAUMA CENTER, which promises a thrilling experience that will shake the audience. Check it out, KLovers.

1. Synopsis of the movie TRAUMA CENTER

The film TRAUMA CENTER tells the story of Madison Taylor, a paramedic who accidentally becomes a witness to the murder of a police officer. After the tragic incident, she becomes the target of cold-blooded killers who try to eliminate all witnesses to the crime they have committed.

In the midst of the tense situation, Madison tries to survive with the help of police officers guarding the emergency room where she must receive treatment after being attacked by the killer. While hiding in the emergency room, she must find a way to fight off the criminals who continue to chase her.

In a desperate attempt to uncover the truth behind a series of murders, Madison struggles to avoid the dangerous threats lurking in every corner of the hospital. She realizes that she is the only hope to solve the mystery of the killer and face the very dangerous challenges.

With all her skills as a paramedic, Madison uses her knowledge to deceive the criminals and find a way to save herself. However, as time runs out and the killer gets closer, she realizes that she must act quickly before it's too late.

In a journey filled with tension and unexpected action, Madison tries to survive and prove herself as a hero amidst the storm of crime. This makes the movie TRAUMA CENTER one of the mystery thriller films that you shouldn't miss.

2. Cast of the movie TRAUMA CENTER

In addition to the film synopsis TRAUMA CENTER, there is also a list of cast of the film TRAUMA CENTER. Each character plays an important role in developing the plot and taking the audience through a tense and action-packed journey. Here is a complete list of the cast along with their character explanations in the film TRAUMA CENTER:

1. Nicky Whelan plays Madison Taylor

Nicky Whelan portrays Madison Taylor, a paramedic who accidentally becomes a witness to the murder of a police officer. She then becomes the target of cold-blooded killers who are trying to eliminate all witnesses to their crimes.

2. Bruce Willis plays Detective Wakes

Bruce Willis portrays Detective Wakes, a police officer who assists Madison in her efforts to fight against the criminals who are chasing her. He works with Madison to uncover the truth behind a series of murders.

3. Steve Guttenberg plays Dr. Jones

Steve Guttenberg portrays Dr. Jones, a doctor who cares for Madison after she is injured in the tragic incident. Dr. Jones helps Madison in her efforts to fight against the criminals.

4.Texas Battle portrays Tull

Texas Battle plays the role of Tull, a cold-blooded criminal responsible for a series of murders that occur at the hospital where Madison works. He is one of the main antagonists in this story.

5.Tito Ortiz portrays Marco

Tito Ortiz plays Marco, Tull's accomplice who is involved in the efforts to eliminate all witnesses to their crimes. He poses a very dangerous threat to Madison and Detective Wakes.

6.Catherine Davis portrays Detective Farris

Catherine Davis plays Detective Farris, a police officer who tries to help Madison and Detective Wakes in investigating a series of murders that occur at the hospital.

7.Heather Johansen portrays Sarah

Heather Johansen plays Sarah, a nurse at the hospital where Madison works. She assists Madison in her efforts to fight against the pursuing criminals.

That is the synopsis of the film TRAUMA CENTER that you can read before watching the movie. With gripping intrigue and thrilling action, the film TRAUMA CENTER delivers an unforgettable thriller experience.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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