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10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old

10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old


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10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old

In the 90s, the Hong Kong action series titled Kera Sakti was one of the favorite shows for viewers of all ages. This series starred a number of senior actors from Hong Kong, including Dicky Cheung who played the main character, Sun Go Kong.

Now, I'm sure many of you still don't know much about the personal life of the 'Kera Sakti' in real life, right? And what is his current news and appearance like? Check out the following photos..

10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old

Although portrayed as a powerful monkey, Sun Go Kong's appearance is still handsome. It's no wonder he has a lot of fans.


The character Sun Go Kong is played by a senior actor and singer from Hong Kong named Dicky Cheung.

10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old

Believe it or not, Dicky is now 56 years old. And he still looks so handsome and youthful.


Dicky himself is an actor known for his bald-headed image.

10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old

Although no longer young, Dicky is still quite active in the entertainment industry, especially as a singer.


In 2007, Dicky married the beautiful actress Jess Zhang Qian. After 14 years together, their marriage is still strong and far from any scandalous rumors.


Due to the pandemic situation, Dicky and Jess had to live separately for a while, with Jess staying with her parents in Beijing while Dicky was in Hong Kong.

10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old

Dicky was last involved in shooting television series and movies in 2013. After that, he focused on enjoying his time with his beloved wife.


Now, Dicky dedicates more of his life to doing positive things that can be useful to others.

10 Latest Photos and News of Dicky Cheung 'Kera Sakti', Ageless Handsome at Over Half a Century Old

Missing the 'crazy' acting of Sun Go Kong on television? Write your comments!