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10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

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10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

Islam is a minority religion in South Korea. Despite this fact, there is currently an Imam from the Land of Ginseng who is striving to spread Islam through preaching, both in the real world and via the virtual world. His name is Ustaz Abdullah 'Park' Al-Kory. To reach this point, Ustaz Al-Kory has certainly undergone various lengthy processes. What is the figure of this Korean Imam like? Check out the following photos and his story.


Introducing. This is Ustaz Abdullah 'Park' Al-Kory, an Imam who is currently trying to spread knowledge of Islam in South Korea.

10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

Al-Kory initially was born and raised as a Christian. However, in 2009 he found guidance and embraced Islam.

10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

Not just for fun, at that time Al-Kory wanted to study Islamic knowledge in detail and comprehensively.


Feeling difficulty in studying Islamic knowledge in Korea, Al-Kory once flew to Saudi Arabia to study. However, he also encountered obstacles there because of the language.


Therefore, Al-Qory moved to Egypt and studied at Al-Azhar University.


Along with his studies, Al-Kory also learned Arabic and now he is very fluent.

10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

When he returned to Korea, Al-Kory then tried to spread Islam through preaching, both directly and through the virtual world.


In his journey to spread Islam, Al-Kory once met with a Korean YouTuber who is also a convert, Daud Kim.

10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

A portrait of Al-Kory with his beloved wife in one of the 'Arab Village' areas in Incheon, Korea.

10 Portraits of Abdullah Park Al-Kory, a Korean Imam who Previously Studied Islam in Egypt

Until now, Al-Kory is also actively teaching various things about Islam through his Youtube channel.