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29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

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29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

In her Youtube video, Jessica Jung reveals the contents of her bag to her fans. She also explains the functions of those items. Curious? Let's take a look!


Jessica made a vlog titled What's in My Bag because many fans requested it. She brought her handbag and revealed its contents.


First, she has a camera in her bag. But Jessica rarely uses it for vlogging. She prefers using her phone.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

There is also a tripod for supporting the camera. Jessica says this tripod is quite heavy.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Jessica also has a selfie stick. But she said she rarely uses this tool when making YouTube videos.


Because of the scary coronavirus, Jessica also brings hand sanitizer everywhere. She uses the one that doesn't make her skin dry.


Jessica brings a practical disinfectant spray everywhere. Usually she sprays this tool on airplanes and wherever she goes.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Jessica also brings disinfectant wipes to clean tables, televisions, and remotes. She's really determined!


Jessica also brings masks which she says are really important for times like this.


Next, there is a small white city that turns out to be a place for pills and medications that she consumes.


Inside the pill box, there is Energy Up vitamin that she consumes to stay healthy.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Next, there is also vitamin D. Jessica said that sunlight alone is not enough to meet a person's vitamin D needs.


Jessica also brings probiotics in the pill box for her needs anytime.


Next, there is noni. One of the medications for beauty that helps prevent premature aging.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Jessica also brought Hyaluronic Acid which is useful for the eyes, skin, and joints.


Inside the pill box, there is also a blue plastic containing multivitamins that Jessica brings everywhere.


Next, there is herbal tea that Jessica says helps her with sore throat healing.


In her bag, it turns out there is also ginger tea that she really likes and is useful for the immune system.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Jessica also brought vitamin C drinks. For those who don't like taking pills, she says it's good to drink this vitamin C.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Next, something important and mandatory for Jessica to have in her bag is a pen. Sometimes she writes lyrics too.


In her bag, there must be AirPods. Jessica said she can't live without music. Can you too?


Next, there are sunglasses from her own brand, Blanc & Eclare. These sunglasses can be worn with any style.


Then there is a beautiful white pouch with bead-like decorations. Jessica then unpacked the contents of her bag.


First, there is a hair tie. Jessica said it's really useful when her hair is messy.


There is also a mini-sized perfume that Jessica said smells really fresh. She can spray it on her wrist and then rub it on her neck.


There is also a hand cream that smells fresh. Jessica likes this hand cream because its scent does not clash with her perfume.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Jessica was embarrassed to bring out this item, which is a toilet spray. So after entering the toilet, Jessica sprays this first.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Next, there is a favorite lip balm. She said she likes peeling her lips until it hurts, and this lip balm helps her.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

There is a pink lip tint that makes Jessica's lips more colorful. She admits she likes the color.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Jessica also brings a hydrating mist that she sprays on her face to set her makeup or when she wants to look fresh.

29 Items in Jessica Jung's Bag: Selfie Stick, Disinfectant Wipes, Medicines, and Toilet Spray

Although not mentioned, but Jessica also has an iPhone in her bag. How about you? Do you have the same product?