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5 Korean Drama Soundtracks That Have Achieved Success, Including Songs by V BTS and Lee Juck

5 Korean Drama Soundtracks That Have Achieved Success, Including Songs by V BTS and Lee Juck Credit: - Written by: Adhwa Medisanda Cinta Adzana

For Korean drama lovers, not only do they focus on the story and the actors, but they also listen to the soundtracks of a Korean drama. Often, fans are also captivated by the songs that become the soundtrack of the drama they are watching.

In addition to supporting the atmosphere of the story, soundtracks in Korean dramas can also be a form of promotion for the musicians who sing them. Even some soundtracks have won awards!

Curious about the Korean drama soundtracks that have won awards? Let's take a look at the list below.




1. 'Christmas Tree' - V BTS

The song titled Christmas Tree is a song popularized by V BTS. This song is one of the official soundtracks of the drama OUR BELOVED SUMMER, which was released on December 24, 2021.

An achievement to be proud of for this song is that it managed to reach the 79th position on the Billboard Hot 100 after two weeks of the drama's airing. Not only that, in the same week, the song Christmas Tree also became the best-selling song on Billboard.




2. 'I Like You' - Cho Jung Seok

The song titled I Like You is a song popularized by Cho Jung Seok, an actor and also the voice behind the song. This song is one of the official soundtracks of the second season of the drama HOSPITAL PLAYLIST

Released on July 16, 2021, this song successfully made Cho Jung Seok bring home an award because I Like You won the Best OST category at the 2021 MAMA Awards. 

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3. 'Start Over' - Gaho

The song titled Start Over is a song popularized by South Korean singer, Gaho. This song is one of the official soundtracks of the drama ITAEWON CLASS

Released on February 1, 2020, this song successfully made Gaho bring home an award because Start Over won the Best OST category at the 2020 MAMA Awards. 

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4. 'I Will Go To You Like The First Snow' - Ailee

The song titled I Will Go To You Like The First Snow is a song popularized by Ailee. This song is one of the soundtracks of the drama GOBLIN: THE LONELY AND GREAT GOD which premiered in December 2016. 

Meanwhile, the song I Will Go To You Like The First Snow was first released in the middle episode of the drama, precisely on January 7, 2017. The achievement of this song is to successfully become the Best OST at the 2017 MAMA Awards. 

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5. 'Don't Worry' - Lee Juck

The song titled Don't Worry is a song popularized by South Korean musician, Lee Juck. This song became one of the official soundtracks for one of the best Korean dramas, REPLY 1988

This song has a deep meaning with a melancholic musical arrangement. Therefore, the song which was released on November 7, 2015, successfully won an award at the 2016 MAMA Awards for the Best OST category. 


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