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5 Korean Stars with Unique and Adorable Nose Shapes

5 Korean Stars with Unique and Adorable Nose Shapes credit via koreaboo. - There is always something unique about the visuals of Korean stars. Besides being admired for their sometimes unreal beauty or handsomeness, these Korean stars often receive praise for their unique body parts or shapes.

One of them is their nose. Whether they realize it or not, some Korean stars have a curve on their nose. This happens due to the breaking of cartilage at the tip of the nose.

According to plastic surgeons, this condition is not dangerous in Korea, but it becomes a distinctive characteristic. Interestingly, this condition is also considered rare, and it actually makes the owner of the face look adorable.

Furthermore, here are a series of Korean stars, including K-Pop idols, actresses, and actors with unique and adorable nose shapes.

1. Soobin TXT

The first Korean star with a unique curve under his nose is Soobin TXT. This K-pop idol is known for his handsome face. The leader of TXT also has charisma that often captivates the hearts of fans.

However, if you look closely, especially when Soobin's face is in the spotlight, there will be a slight unique curve right under his nose. This condition doesn't make Soobin's face look strange at all. On the contrary, he looks cute and adorable. Agree, right?

2. Park Bo Gum

Next, there's Park Bo Gum, whose visuals almost always make fans who look at him lose focus. Like Soobin TXT, Park Bo Gum also has a unique shape at the bottom of his nose.

There is a curve at the tip, even the curve appears higher compared to Soobin's face. However, instead of making him look strange, Park Bo Gum actually looks more handsome and charming thanks to his unique nose.

3. Min Hyo Rin

Min Hyo Rin has a beautiful face with a pointed nose. If you look closely, she also has a curve at the bottom of her nose. The cool thing is, she never feels insecure about this condition. Instead, Min Hyo Rin considers it as a gift from God. As a result, she always confidently shows her beautiful face. The uniqueness of her nose becomes her own charm as an actress, model, and singer.

4. Woohyun INFINITE

Woohyun INFINITE's handsomeness may have blurred your vision, making you always think that his appearance is always perfect. It's true, there is nothing strange about Woohyun's face, on the contrary, his handsomeness shines even more thanks to his unique nose.

Just like the other Korean stars on this list, it turns out that Woohyun also has a slight curve at the bottom of his nose. Don't believe it? Take a closer look. Surely you will fall even more in love with his appearance, right?

5. Park Shin Hye

Last but not least, there is Park Shin Hye, a beautiful actress who has successfully starred in several hit Korean dramas. Despite her visually appealing appearance that makes men fall head over heels, Park Shin Hye actually has a unique nose shape.

Although initially the actress felt insecure and wanted to change it, she decided to embrace it. Because, according to fans, it actually gives a distinctive characteristic to Park Shin Hye's beautiful face.

Well, those are some Korean stars who have unique nose shapes that are so adorable. Instead of looking strange or ugly, that rare condition actually makes those Korean stars even more beautiful and handsome.

Do any of you have a unique nose like those Korean stars, KLovers? If you do, congratulations, it means you have a unique and captivating appearance. So, there's no need to feel insecure, okay.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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