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8 Chinese School Comedy Dramas Underrated, Full of Friendship, Love, and Dreams

8 Chinese School Comedy Dramas Underrated, Full of Friendship, Love, and Dreams Chinese School Comedy Dramas Underrated (credit: - Chinese dramas with school themes often present fresh, funny, and full of entertaining teenage dynamics. However, there are several dramas that may not get much attention even though they have epic stories, like some underrated Chinese school comedy dramas below.

This article will review a number of Chinese school dramas that are underrated but deserve attention. From stories of friendship, romance, to academic struggles filled with humor, these dramas will successfully steal the hearts of viewers with their epic storytelling charm.

What are these Chinese dramas? Let's check out the list of the latest underrated Chinese school comedy dramas that are worth watching.


Rating8.1 mydramalist
Episode24 episodes
Duration45 minutes
AiredVIKI, VIU, YouKu
CastIreine Song, Aaron Deng, Wang Run Ze

Chinese drama about the first underrated comedy school drama, PROFESSIONAL SINGLE. It tells the story of Yuan Qian and Qin Shen, two art students with stubborn and perfectionist characters. Qin Shen is a cold and disciplined aspiring sculptor.

Yuan Qian, a beautiful yet stubborn girl, is difficult to impress by men because she always focuses on their flaws. In art school, they both face various challenges to achieve their artistic dreams while learning about friendship and competition.


Rating8.1 mydramalist
Episode24 episode
Durasi45 menit
TayangVIKI, VIU, YouKu
PemainGala Zhang, Ireine Song, Leslie Ma

Drama China tentang sekolah komedi underrated kedua ada drama THE BEST OF YOU IN MY MIND. Berkisah tentang Lin Xi Chi, mahasiswa kedokteran hewan yang cerdas ceria dan teman masa kecilnya, Xu Fang, seorang pemanah dan mahasiswa pertahanan nasional.

Xu Fang diam-diam menyukai Xi Chi sejak sekolah tetapi tidak pernah berani mengungkapkannya. Hingga suatu malam, setelah Xi Chi mabuk, perasaan yang terpendam antara mereka akhirnya muncul ke permukaan, mengubah persahabatan mereka selamanya menjadi cinta.

3. LOVELY US (2020)

Rating8.6 mydramalist
Episode16 episode
Durasi45 minutes
PemainMarcus Li, Tian Xi Wei, Li Ming Yuan

Continuing, there is an underrated Chinese comedy school drama titled LOVELY US. This drama tells the story of a group of young people who grew up together in the Shu De Housing Complex in 2007.

They entered high school together, facing adolescence and adulthood. They support and accompany each other in the process of dreams, growth, warmth, and romance.


Rating8.2 mydramalist
Episode24 episode
Durasi45 minutes
TayangiQIYI, WeTV
PemainAncy Deng, Zhang Ling He, Ryan Ren

This underrated Chinese comedy school drama titled FLOURISH IN TIME tells the story of Jiang Hao Yue and Lu Miao growing up like siblings, supporting each other. Jiang Hao Yue helps Lu Miao with school assignments, while Lu Miao protects him from bullying.

When Lu Miao enters high school and makes new friends, she realizes her feelings for Jiang Hao Yue are more than just sibling love. Shi Che's arrival makes Jiang Hao Yue uncomfortable. Slowly, their sibling love turns into young love.


Rating8.0 mydramalist
Episode30 episode
Durasi40 menit
TayangVIKI, Apple TV
PemainChen You Wei, Xin Yun Lai, Lu Fang Sheng

Then there is a Chinese drama titled I DON'T WANT TO BE BROTHERS WITH YOU. This underrated comedy school drama tells the story of Gao Yang, a rebellious child. One day, he is told that a beautiful woman named Ye Xiao Wen will transfer to his school.

However, he feels very disappointed because the person named Ye Xiao Wen turns out to be a strange man. With various surprises and misunderstandings, Ye Xiao Wen ends up living with Gao Yang, and they start a chaotic and comedic life at home.


Rating7.6 mydramalist
Episode20 episode
Durasi35 menit
PemainAo Zi Yi, Yang Zhi Wen, Ge Qiu Gu

Masih di tahun 2022, kali ini ada drama China tentang sekolah komedi underrated berjudul THE RAINBOW IN OUR MEMORY. Drama ini berkisah tentang Chen Mu Guang dan Shi Fan Tuan, teman masa kecil yang saling mendukung satu sama lain selama dua puluh tahun.

Kedua pribadi yang berbeda ini seringkali menimbulkan kesalahpahaman, namun dengan dukungan dan cinta yang tumbuh di antara mereka, mereka menghadapi segala liku-liku kehidupan bersama.

7. THE HOPE (2023)

Rating8.3 mydramalist
Episode30 episode
Durasi45 menit
PemainZhang Ruo Yun, Huang Yao, Wang Qiang

Di tahun 2023 ada drama China tentang sekolah komedi underrated berjudul THE HOPE. Lei Ming, mantan dosen sukses yang mengalami kegagalan dalam dunia bisnis, menjadi guru sekolah menengah. Dia memimpin kelas khusus dengan seorang guru psikologi, Sang Xia.

Salah satu murid yaitu Li Ran ingin menjadi ahli robotik, tapi harus mempertimbangkan putus sekolah karena neneknya sakit. Lei Ming dan Sang Xia membimbing mereka melewati rintangan dengan penuh dedikasi. Hingga mereka masuk universitas impian dan siap menghadapi masa depan.


Rating7.4 mydramalist
Episode24 episode
Durasi4 menit
PemainWu Yu Heng, Zhou Yan Chen, Yang Xi Zi

Dan drama China tentang sekolah komedi underrated paling terbaru ada drama berjudul MOMENTS OF YOUTH. Berkisah tentang Chen Ting, siswa baru di Sekolah Teknik Xicheng, yang diam-diam mengubah jurusannya menjadi bengkel mobil untuk melawan ayahnya yang keras.

Dia berteman dengan sekelompok teman yang unik. Bersama, mereka menghadapi tantangan pertumbuhan, membantu Shark Zhen mencapai mimpinya, dan membantu Sick Cat menemukan jalannya sendiri dan tumbuh menjadi remaja yang bertanggung jawab.

Itulah beberapa drama China tentang sekolah komedi underrated paling terbaru yang bisa kalian tonton. Drama-drama ini menghadirkan tawa dan kisah menyentuh yang sayang untuk dilewatkan.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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