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Adding Profession, Lee Min Ho is Now Also a Youtube Content Creator

Adding Profession, Lee Min Ho is Now Also a Youtube Content Creator Lee Min Ho (credit: Netflix) - Lee Min Ho is now not only known as a singer, model, philanthropist, and actor. The 33-year-old actor seems to be starting a career as a Youtuber as well.

As if giving a gift to his fans, Lee Min Ho launched his own Youtube channel named leeminho film. He also released a video that made fans feel nostalgic.

1. Release of First Video

The first video is titled Movielog EP.1 and lasts more than two minutes. In the video, it shows Lee Min Ho's activities and showcases his career journey as an actor by featuring clips from the dramas and films he has starred in.

What is even more impressive for fans is that in the caption, it is explained that Lee Min Ho is the executive producer and creative director for the video. Truly talented.

2. Let's Subscribe

From the title earlier, it seems like Lee Min Ho will also release Movielog for the next episodes. So guys, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss the latest videos from oppa!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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