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After Song Hye Kyo was rumored to be getting back together with Hyun Bin, this time Song Joong Ki is also rumored to be dating

After Song Hye Kyo was rumored to be getting back together with Hyun Bin, this time Song Joong Ki is also rumored to be dating Song Joong Ki © Nate - Almost a year after divorcing Song Hye Kyo, Song Joong Ki suddenly rumored to be dating. However, the agency quickly confirmed that the news concerning the actor was false.

The rumor, which originated from online communities and social media, stated that Song Joong Ki is currently in a relationship with a lawyer. Personal information about this lawyer has also been circulated.

1. Agency Directly Denies

Knowing that the actor is being hit by untrue rumors, the agency immediately speaks up.

"Rumors that Song Joong Ki is involved in an inappropriate relationship. Lately, this rumor has been circulating among lawyers, but it is completely untrue. Song Joong Ki is currently busy rearranging his schedule after the film he was supposed to star in (BOGOTA) was postponed," explained History D&C.

2. Song Hye Kyo Rumored to Rekindle Love

Recently, there have also been rumors about Song Hye Kyo, with Chinese media reporting that the actress is rekindling her love with Hyun Bin, her ex. However, the related party also denied the news, stating that it is an unfounded hoax.

On the other hand, Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo, who officially divorced almost a year ago, are both busy with their respective careers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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