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Against Stereotypes, These 8 Male K-Pop Idols Admit to Liking the Color Pink: Including Jin BTS, Taeyong NCT, and Chen EXO!

Against Stereotypes, These 8 Male K-Pop Idols Admit to Liking the Color Pink: Including Jin BTS, Taeyong NCT, and Chen EXO! Jin BTS - Taeyong NCT - Chen EXO. Credit: In Your Eyes - Love Beat - Cheery - Jin BTS, Taeyong NCT, and Chen EXO have one thing in common when it comes to their favorite color. Yup, these three handsome idols admit to liking the color pink.

In today's era, everyone is free to express themselves. Just like Jin BTS, Taeyong NCT, Chen EXO, and other male idols who defy stereotypes by stating that pink is their favorite color.


1. Jin BTS

Initially, Jin BTS's favorite color was blue, but since 2017 punk has become his new favorite color. In fact, he even dyed his hair pink at one point.

2. Taeyong NCT

In an interview with Ten on Sudsapa TV in 2018, Taeyong NCT admitted that his favorite color is pink.

3. Chen EXO

Chen EXO once told fans about his liking for the color pink during his early debut moments.

4. Hendery WayV

During the introduction of SMROOKIES, it was mentioned that Hendery from WayV is a lover of the color pink. In an event, he explained that pink is an energetic color.

5. T.O.P Big Bang

The rapper from Big Bang, T.O.P, also likes the color pink. He often appears with hair dyed in that sweet color.

6. Sanha ASTRO

The maknae (youngest member) of ASTRO, Sanha, is also a fan of the color pink. This color suits him well as he has a gentle and cute charm.

7. Inseong SF9

In a fansign event, fans asked Inseong SF9 about his favorite color. Of course, the idol answered that his choice is pink!

8. Dongho ex U-KISS

Lastly, there's Dongho, who used to be a member of the group U-KISS. This young father is also known to like the color pink!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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