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Angel-hearted Sultan, These 6 K-Pop Idols Pay off All of Their Parents' Debts After Succeeding in Their Careers

Angel-hearted Sultan, These 6 K-Pop Idols Pay off All of Their Parents' Debts After Succeeding in Their Careers credit via EDAM Entertainment, Naver x Dispatch - If someone says that someone's success is inseparable from their parents' prayers, it seems to be true. Because, without the blessings and support of parents, the obstacles in pursuing a career would feel more challenging.

Especially if parents have worked hard for their children and even went as far as borrowing money, as a child, there is usually a strong desire to succeed in order to make their parents' lives happier.

This is what some K-Pop idols have done. Coming from ordinary families but having a strong fighting spirit, they eventually succeeded in their careers as artists.

What's amazing is that these K-Pop idols have not forgotten their roots. With the wealth they have now acquired, these idols have also paid off all of their parents' and families' debts. So, who are the angel-hearted sultans among these K-Pop idols?

1. Hyeri Girls Day

First there is Hyeri Girls Day who debuted in 2010 at a very young age. Before her debut, Hyeri lived with her parents in difficult economic conditions.

After succeeding as a K-Pop idol, Hyeri not only paid off her parents' debt, but also bought a comfortable apartment for them to live in.

Hyeri even managed to buy her father a luxury car. Truly a child who knows how to repay her parents, right?

2. IU

IU grew up in a harsh environment. She even only lived with her grandmother during her childhood, because her parents had to work hard to make ends meet.

Due to extreme poverty, IU once even shared that she used to sleep in a room full of cockroaches. Her burden became heavier when her mother became collateral because she couldn't repay the family's debt.

Thanks to her strong determination, IU successfully debuted in 2010 with the song Good Day as a solo K-Pop idol. Her career continued to soar after that, including venturing into acting.

Having achieved success, she immediately paid off all of her family's debts. Now she and her family live in a comfortable and prosperous home.

3. Zico

Zico's parents not only went through a tough life with their child, but also had to bear a lot of debt. Fortunately, Zico successfully debuted as a K-Pop idol, then continued his solo career and even started his own business.

Thanks to his earnings reaching billions of Won, he didn't hesitate to pay off all of his family's debts. For him, this was done as a form of gratitude to his parents who supported his career 100 percent, even in the early stages when they faced economic problems.

4. Chungha

In addition to being very talented, Chungha is also known as one of the K-Pop idols who is very devoted to her parents. In 2019, it was revealed that she had paid off all of her family's debts.

Interestingly, Chungha also mentioned that her mother rarely used the money she always gave her. Instead of spending it, the money was mostly saved.

In order to see her mother happy, Chungha didn't hesitate to give her a luxury bag as a gift.

5. Jung Eunji Apink

Last but not least, there is Jung Eunji Apink who has been saving her income as a K-Pop idol for three years since her debut to pay off all her parents' debts.

Even the main vocalist of Apink revealed that the best happiness in her life is when she can pay off all her family's debts. She even celebrated this happy moment by preparing a special party for her mother and giving her mother a passbook filled with savings.

These five cool K-Pop idols truly serve as role models in working hard to achieve their dreams and as a source of inspiration to repay their parents' kindness. So, are you motivated enough to help pay off your parents' debts too, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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