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Arrogant and Cold-Hearted Characters, But These 6 Figures in Korean Dramas are Actually Hopelessly in Love - Warm Embrace Owners

Arrogant and Cold-Hearted Characters, But These 6 Figures in Korean Dramas are Actually Hopelessly in Love - Warm Embrace Owners Ryu Jun Yeol, Kim Hyun Joong, Rain (credit:; credit:; credit: KBS TV) - Korean drama characters always have a uniqueness to entertain the audience. There are usually actors and actresses who portray unique characters, one of which is a character who appears cold, arrogant, and plays hard to get with their co-stars.

These characters are usually known as tsundere, who have a cold attitude but are hopelessly in love with their partner. Of course, these characters are very entertaining in Korean dramas, as they provide a funny yet sweet impression for the characters.

So, who are these Korean drama characters? According to various sources, here are 6 characters in Korean dramas who have tsundere characteristics but are hopelessly in love with their partner. Let's check them out.


1. Lee Young Jae

The first Korean drama character to have a tsundere personality is Lee Young Jae in the drama FULL HOUSE. This character is portrayed by the handsome actor Rain, who is very suitable and successful in playing the tsundere character.

In this drama, Rain has a cold and arrogant attitude towards Han Ji Eun, played by Song Hye Kyo. But behind his arrogant and hot-tempered behavior, he actually has feelings for Han Ji Eun. Lee Young Jae also has a warm heart and cares for Han Ji Eun.

He waits for Han Ji Eun who comes home late at night, or does silly things to cover up his jealousy. And of course, Rain successfully portrays this character well, making FULL HOUSE the best drama of all time in South Korea.

2. Gu Jun Pyo

The next Korean drama character who has a tsundere personality is Gu Jun Pyo in the drama BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS. In this drama, Gu Jun Pyo has an arrogant, rough, and selfish attitude. But despite having such an attitude, he has a warm personality, cares about the F4 members, and is very fond of his partner.

In the drama, there are sometimes arguments between Gu Jun Pyo and Geum Jan Di, who is his partner. But even though he appears rough and selfish, in reality, Gu Jun Pyo cannot live without Geum Jan Di.

Because of this character, Lee Min Ho looks very adorable in the eyes of the audience. And it has made the character Gu Jun Pyo, played by Lee Min Ho, very iconic to this day.

3. Baek Seung Jo

Baek Seung Jo becomes the next Korean drama character with a tsundere personality in the drama PLAY FULL KISS. In this drama, Baek Seung Jo has a cold, rigid, and arrogant attitude. He really dislikes foolish people, but unfortunately, there is a foolish woman named Oh Ha Ni who likes him and manages to win his heart.

Initially, Baek Seung Jo strongly dislikes Oh Ha Ni, he acts indifferent and arrogant. But in the end, Baek Seung Jo likes her, although he still acts indifferent and doesn't want to show his affection towards Oh Ha Ni.

Of course, the character Baek Seung Jo is portrayed well by Kim Hyun Joong, who can captivate the audience with the tsundere character he plays.

4. Kang Ji Woon

Kang Ji Woon played by Jung Il Woo in the drama CINDERELLA WITH 4 KNIGHTS also successfully portrayed the tsundere character very well. In the drama, Kang Ji Woon has a complicated family problem with his siblings, making him a hot-tempered and indifferent man.

He even acts rudely towards a woman named Eun Ha Won who lives with him and his three siblings. This certainly makes Kang Ji Woon always argue with Eun Ha Won. But behind his rough and cold behavior, Kang Ji Woon actually has a warm heart and fragile feelings.

5. Kim Jung Hwan

Kim Jung Hwan, also known as Jung Pal in the drama REPLY 1988, is another tsundere character. In this drama, Jung Pal has a cold attitude and does not want to show his feelings to his female friend named Sung Deok Sun. He will hide his feelings tightly by showing a cold attitude towards Sung Deok Sun.

But despite having a cold attitude, Jung Pal is actually very warm and caring towards Sung Deok Sun. He even waits for Sung Deok Sun who comes home late at night, and does other sweet actions that make the audience emotional. Unfortunately, due to this tsundere behavior, he fails to win Sung Deok Sun's heart and become her partner.

This certainly makes the audience of the drama REPLY 1988 scream hysterically and feel sad about the sad ending. And it makes Ryu Jun Yeol who plays Jung Pal very famous, because he successfully attracts the audience's attention with the tsundere character he portrays.

6. Do Min Joon

And the last Korean drama character to play the tsundere character is Do Min Jun in the drama MY LOVE FROM THE STAR. In this drama, Do Min Jun has a cold, rigid, closed-off, and indifferent attitude towards his surroundings. Then he meets a woman named Cheon Song Yi who is enthusiastic and also has a funny behavior.

Cheon Song Yi managed to make Do Min Jun fall in love with her, but unfortunately, Do Min Jun hides his feelings by acting indifferent. Even though in reality, Do Min Jun really likes Cheon Song Yi and always protects her from any problems.

The success of Kim Soo Hyun who played Do Min Jun in the drama MY LOVE FROM THE STAR can captivate the audience. And make this drama the audience's favorite drama until now.

Those are the 6 Korean drama characters who have a tsundere character that successfully captivates the audience. And because of the actors' success in portraying the tsundere characters, the dramas they play are able to attract a large number of viewers, not only in Korea but also internationally.


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