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Being Called a Netflix Specialist Actor, Song Kang Doesn't Feel Burdened by the Success of 'SWEET HOME'?

Being Called a Netflix Specialist Actor, Song Kang Doesn't Feel Burdened by the Success of 'SWEET HOME'? Song Kang © Netflix - Song Kang appeared in the press conference for the drama NAVILLERA on Tuesday (16/3). At that time, he gave his opinion about being called a Netflix specialist actor.

Previously, Song Kang successfully starred in the drama SWEET HOME. The actor said that he doesn't feel burdened by the role he played.

"These two dramas have very different genres. Once I get into the character, instead of feeling the difficulty, I focus more on creating the character and expressing it," said Song Kang.


1. Not Feeling Burdened

Song Kang added that he doesn't feel burdened by the success of his previous drama, "As for the burden due to the success of the previous drama, I don't feel that way. Because when shooting NAVILLERA, I feel excited and learn a lot."


2. Drama Synopsis

The drama NAVILLERA tells the story of a 23-year-old student who tries to find his dream and meets a 70-year-old man who will become his friend. Song Kang plays a young inspiring ballerino named Lee Chae Rok.

It is told that Chae Rok is inspired by his mother who is a ballerina. Unfortunately, his mother passed away when he was still young. Going through difficult times and feeling estranged from his father, Chae Rok almost gave up on his dream.

Then he meets Sim Deok Chul, a 70-year-old man who once gave up his dream as a ballerino for his family. Chae Rok and Sim Deok Chul will become friends and pursue their dreams in the ballet world together.

This drama will premiere on March 22, 2021. So, are you ready to see Song Kang as a ballerino?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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