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Caught on Vacation in Hawaii, Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol Deny Dating

Caught on Vacation in Hawaii, Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol Deny Dating Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol (credit: Special) - Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee were caught in dating rumors. It started when a netizen made a post claiming to have seen Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol on vacation together at a hotel swimming pool in Hawaii.

On Friday morning (15/3/2024), it didn't take long for Ryu Jun Yeol's agency, C-JeS Studios, to release a statement regarding the actor's rumors with Han So Hee. They confirmed that Ryu Jun Yeol was indeed in Hawaii for a photoshoot. They asked everyone to respect it as the actor's personal vacation. In the future, they will not respond to every personal activity of the actor. They ask for understanding," said C-JeS.

1. Statement from Han So Hee's Agency

It didn't take long for Han So Hee's agency to release a statement. They denied any relationship between the two.

"They are not dating. Han So Hee went on vacation to Hawaii with close friends," said the agency of actress GYEONGSEONG CREATURES.

When asked for further statement by Edaily media, Han So Hee's agency declined. "Because this is about her personal life, we ask for your understanding," said the agency, as reported by Soompi.

2. Offered to Work Together

Meanwhile, a few days earlier, Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol were reported to be starring in the adaptation of webtoon DELUSION. Both Han So Hee's agency and Ryu Jun Yeol confirmed that their artists did receive the offer and are considering it.

Webtoon DELUSION itself is a mystery thriller genre with the setting of Gyeongseong in 1935 and Shanghai in the 1800s. It tells the story of artist Yun Iho, who is asked to paint a portrait of a mysterious woman, Song Jeong Hwa, and visits her women's hotel.

We await further news about the adaptation of the drama or film DELUSION.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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