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Celebrate 'Twitter Crop is Gone', These 6 Posts from K-Pop Fans Flood Twitterland

Celebrate 'Twitter Crop is Gone', These 6 Posts from K-Pop Fans Flood Twitterland credit via twitter @TheJose8A @everything4omg @jleunthlnker @selfskz - Joy comes from the Twitterland, as now the uploaded photos are no longer cropped. This good news is greeted with the trending keyword 'Twitter Crop Is Gone'.

For K-Pop fans, this feature update brings great happiness, as they can upload and see their favorite idol's posts without worrying about falling into the 'Open For Surprise!' trap.

To celebrate this, K-Pop fans have been flooding Twitter with photos of their favorite idols in various poses. Even satisfaction can be seen overflowing on Twitter's timeline, as the long legs, sexy bodies, and charming visuals of beloved K-Pop idols can be seen perfectly without any cropping.

Here are some of the most iconic posts from K-Pop fans celebrating 'Twitter Crop is Gone'. Do you see your favorite idol?

1. Handsome Face of San ATEEZ Looks Perfect

A Twitter account named @sanshinepics enthusiastically posted a photo of San ATEEZ, who looks so handsome. ATEEZ fans can see San's face satisfactorily because nothing is cut off. One of the posts with the caption 'Twitter Crop is Gone' successfully decorates the timeline.

2. Changkyun MONSTA X Looks More Charismatic

'Twitter Crop is Gone' is also utilized by MONSTA X fans to post photos of their favorite idol without worrying about being cut off. One of them is the Twitter account @kihyunbread, who believes that the disappearance of Twitter Crop makes it easier for fans to expose Changkyun's charisma completely.

3. IU's Sweetness with a Petite Body

The euphoria is also celebrated by IU fans, like the Twitter account @jleunthlnker. This solo K-Pop idol is not only known for her golden voice but also for her sweet face and petite body. The 'Twitter Crop is Gone' also reveals IU's petite and proportional body.

4. Jungkook BTS Handsomeness Becoming More Perfect

As one of the big fanbases in the world of K-Pop idols, BTS fans also did not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this moment. 'Twitter Crop is Gone' was utilized by Twitter account @TheJose8A to post a sexy photo of Jungkook BTS with long legs and handsome face. The photo looks even more perfect in black and white format.

5. YooA Oh My Girl's Long Legs Finally Look Perfect

YooA Oh My Girl has become one of the stars who is almost never absent from the list of K-Pop idols with beautiful long legs. Unfortunately, this often gets cut off when uploaded on Twitter. However, since 'Twitter Crop is Gone,' Oh My Girl fans can now happily see YooA's visual beauty without limits.

6. How Handsome Hyunjin Stray Kids Is

Last but not least, there is a Twitter account @selfskz that is also excited because now they can post photos of a sexy and proportional body of Hyunjin Stray Kids. This idol, whose visuals are unquestionable, can now delight Stray Kids fans every time they pass by on the timeline, right?

In addition to these photos, there are definitely a lot of posts that are equally mind-blowing using the keyword 'Twitter Crop is Gone'. Whatever the post is, make sure to upload positive ones, KLovers!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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