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Congratulations! Here are the Winners of KapanLagi Fandom of The Month Giveaway December 2020

Congratulations! Here are the Winners of KapanLagi Fandom of The Month Giveaway December 2020 Fandom of The Month December 2020 - MONBEBE fans MONSTA X have been named the winner of the KapanLagi Korea Fandom of The Month December 2020 after ranking first throughout the one-month-long polling period. Now it's time to announce the giveaway winner!

Congratulations to Bilkhis, you have successfully brought home an official K-Pop merchandise. Don't stray too far from your phone, as the KapanLagi team will contact you soon.

1. KapanLagi Korea Fandom of The Month December 2020

As a congratulations to MONBEBE, KapanLagi featured MONSTA X on the KapanLagi Korea website and social media for a full month. You can check out the MONSTA X fandom page here, don't forget to leave a comment!

Thank you for participating in the polling for the past month and for being the most united fandom on KapanLagi Korea. Once again, congratulations to Monbebe~

2. Vote Fandom of The Month

After MONBEBE proved their unity, now it's time for you KLovers. Give as many votes as possible and make sure your idol wins in Fandom of The Month January 2021.

Vote for your idol here!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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