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Controversy of TWICE Becoming Brand Ambassadors for Felicya Angelista and Caesar Hito's Cosmetics, Criticized by Fans for Promoting Skin Whitening - Asked to Cancel the Contract

Controversy of TWICE Becoming Brand Ambassadors for Felicya Angelista and Caesar Hito's Cosmetics, Criticized by Fans for Promoting Skin Whitening - Asked to Cancel the Contract cosmetics Feli & Hito © - Felicya Angelista and Caesar Hito once again collaborate with Korean artists as brand ambassadors for their beauty products. After previously featuring the handsome face of Song Joong Ki while holding the products, this time it's the turn of the nine members of TWICE to be announced to the public as the faces of the products claimed to whiten the skin.

The announcement of TWICE as brand ambassadors immediately received both praise and criticism from netizens. On one hand, fans enthusiastically welcomed their idols as the new faces of this Indonesian-made product. But on the other hand, many also regretted JYP Entertainment's decision to allow their artists to become brand ambassadors for whitening cosmetics.

As known, beauty products containing whitening agents have been a subject of debate as they are believed to reinforce discrimination based on a person's skin color. Several major cosmetic brands have even withdrawn their skin whitening products from the market after the #BlackLivesMatter movement gained momentum.

1. Request Contract Cancellation

With the collaboration between TWICE and beauty product Felicya Angelista, fans are worried that their idols are contributing to the widespread use of skin whitening treatments. Therefore, ONCE (the name for TWICE fans) have united their voices and sent mass emails to JYP Entertainment to cancel the endorsement contract.

Here is the content of the email template initiated by the @TWICESPACE_ account to JYP Entertainment titled 'TWICE promotions':

"Attention. This email is created to express concerns about the recent brand agreement between TWICE and the Indonesian company 'Scarlett Whitening'. As TWICE fans, we believe that we should all be respected regardless of our race/ethnicity. It is unethical for TWICE to promote a brand with skin whitening products, knowing that they have fans with darker skin tones. We request you (JYP Entertainment) to consider this and think carefully about leaving this brand agreement/promotion as it can not only damage the image of TWICE members but also be very hurtful to their fans. If TWICE receives a better offer, we ask you (JYP Entertainment) to let them accept that agreement," wrote ONCE.

"ADDITIONAL ATTENTION. As fans, we are getting a little attention regarding our wishes. We want to confirm that TWICE will never promote a brand like this again. Because it is truly painful and disrespectful. Thank you," they added.

Nevertheless, there are also fans who are not bothered by this controversy. Because no one had a problem when Song Joong Ki was appointed as the brand ambassador for the same product.

2. 'Reaksi' Feli and Hito

Amidst the controversy of TWICE as the brand ambassador for this cosmetic product, both JYP Entertainment and Felicya Angelista and Caesar Hito have yet to speak up. However, the celebrity couple who are currently rising in popularity are actively promoting their cosmetic products with their new BA.

Through his Instagram post, Hito expressed his gratitude for being able to collaborate with TWICE as their star ambassador for their products. He also invited his followers to try the products that are supposedly also used by TWICE.

A similar thing was done by Feli on her personal Instagram account. The pregnant woman was busy showcasing her latest cosmetic products while interacting with netizens who were curious about the skin brightening products.

So, what do KLovers think about the controversy surrounding the brand ambassador for skin whitening cosmetic products? Stay tuned for the latest updates on your idols at


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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