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Coway Appoints Grammy Nominee, BTS, as Its Newest Brand Ambassador

Coway Appoints Grammy Nominee, BTS, as Its Newest Brand Ambassador Coway x BTS (credit: Personal Document) - It is worth knowing that Coway is now one of the market leaders in the environmental home appliance segment in South Korea, expanding its business into the global market. Meanwhile, Big Hit Entertainment is a global company behind the mega star BTS and several other artists, one of which is TXT.

Knowing this, Coway and Big Hit Entertainment, both global entities, collaborated and formed an extraordinary partnership. As a result, one of the music groups from Korea, BTS, has been appointed as the brand ambassador for Coway.

1. BTS Becomes the Latest Ambassador

BTS, one of the music groups under Big Hit Entertainment, has been selected as the latest brand ambassador by Coway International Indonesia, 'The Best Life Solution Company'. Yes, this BTS music group has been appointed as a nominee for the Grammy Awards.

Coway itself is ready to appoint BTS as the brand ambassador to strengthen its digital marketing project. This has been revealed by the Head of Marketing from Coway.

"2021 is an important moment for Coway's expansion as a global leader in the environmental home appliance industry. We are very pleased to appoint BTS as the global Brand Ambassador for Coway. We are ready to strengthen our global reach through a number of exciting digital marketing projects. These projects will reach a wider consumer base in the future," said Mani Shim, Head of Marketing, Coway.

2. Hoping to Improve Coway's Brand Profile

Until now, BTS is widely known throughout the world as a music group with extraordinary performances. Coway hopes that BTS will be able to expand its reach and enhance its brand profile among a wider target audience.

In the future, BTS will become a global Brand Ambassador that reflects the image and products of Coway, such as air purifiers and water purifiers. Coway's promotional videos featuring various innovative products and BTS will be showcased on various digital platforms this month.

In addition to BTS, Coway wants to collaborate with other artists under the umbrella of Big Hit Entertainment through various promotional projects.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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