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Dance Master, Jimin BTS' Leg Muscles Catch the Attention of ARMY

Dance Master, Jimin BTS' Leg Muscles Catch the Attention of ARMY Jimin BTS © NAVER x Dispatch - Jimin BTS is known as the most skilled dancer in his group. This was proven in one of the online communities in Korea that recently discussed his leg muscles.

Usually, fans only focus on his visuals and dance moves. However, if you pay attention, Jimin's leg muscles are also impressive.

Many fans say that all his dance power comes from his leg muscles. As known, Jimin has a slim waist but contrasting with his lower body.



1. Focus on Leg Muscles

There are many fans who praise that Jimin's leg muscles look very strong. Even in several photos, Jimin looks enchanting with his perfect leg movements.

What stands out is that the legs also look muscular. So it's no wonder that Jimin's charm always captures the hearts of many fans, including his leg muscles.

2. Korean Netizens' Comments

Many netizens admit to being amazed by Jimin's legs. This is because it shows how talented he is when dancing.

"I used to learn how to dance. If the lower part of your body is not strong, then your dance moves will not be optimal. You really need strong lower body muscles to make your dance look sharp. Jimin's legs look tight."

"Wow, his leg muscles are definitely not a joke."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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