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Entering Season Three, Check Out 5 Interesting Facts About the Cast and Director of 'DR. ROMANTIC 3'

Entering Season Three, Check Out 5 Interesting Facts About the Cast and Director of 'DR. ROMANTIC 3' Han Suk Kyu - Lee Sung Kyung - Ahn Hyo Seop © - The latest season of the popular medical drama, DR. ROMANTIC 3, adds to the lineup of quality content available on Disney+ Hotstar. This drama brings back Han Suk Kyu, Lee Sung Kyung, and Ahn Hyo Seop, with an even more exciting story, new characters, and an unmissable romance.

The cast and director of DR. ROMANTIC 3 revealed a collection of interesting facts behind this drama that you must know. Check out the collection of facts below!

1. Director Yoo In Shik Reveals the Difference of 'DR. ROMANTIC 3' from Previous Seasons

Yoo In Shik, who has been the director since the first season, revealed the main difference in the story development of this drama. Previously, the story focused on Eun Jae and Woo Jin who were just starting to work as doctors, but now they have become professional doctors who have junior doctors.

However, they will still face many obstacles, both in their work and their relationship. "So, what's interesting in this season is that we can find out whether they can overcome these challenges together," said the director.



2. Lee Sung Kyung Invites Previous Cast Members to Join This Season

The director also revealed that Lee Sung Kyung insisted on contacting and inviting the previous season's cast members to join DR. ROMANTIC 3. The bond between the cast members is so strong that they have no hesitation in reuniting.

Yoo In Shik said, "The fact that we were able to bring everyone together in season 3 shows how much we all wanted another season of this drama, and how close all the actors are to each other."



3. Director Involves Medical Doctors as Advisors in 'DR. ROMANTIC 3'

This successful medical drama, which has had two previous seasons, always strives to portray medical scenes and stories that are true to reality. This is supported by the involvement of six to seven medical doctors to provide their expert opinions in the production process.

"The expert opinions of the doctors make the production process more challenging. Because we involve real doctors, there are moments where I see the actors who have been working for three seasons now appear as real doctors," explained Yoo In Shik.


4. Medical Staff at Doldam Hospital Given Special Nickname by Fans

The high enthusiasm of the audience has led fans to give a special nickname to the medical staff at Doldam Hospital, which is 'Doldam-gers'. This term is taken from the fictional superhero team called the Avengers.

"The Avengers are famous as super-powered heroes, while the name Doldam-gers is given because we are humanistic heroes who help many patients at Doldam Hospital," said Yoon Namoo, one of the actors in DR. ROMANTIC 3.


5. Kim Sabu and Han Suk Kyu Become Mentors in Drama and Real Life

Kim Sabu, played by Han Suk Kyu, is a mentor doctor for medical staff at Doldam Hospital. However, in real life, Kim Min Jae admits that he considers Han Suk Kyu as a mentor.

"I don't know how to express in words my feelings while working with Han Suk Kyu, I want to use kind words to describe that he is a good mentor for us," he said.

Kim Min Jae himself plays a nurse named Park Euntak, who has been working with Han Suk Kyu for six years since the first season.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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