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[EXCLUSIVE] Interview with Park Min Young and Na In Woo about 'MARRY MY HUSBAND', Who is the Moodmaker on Set?

[EXCLUSIVE] Interview with Park Min Young and Na In Woo about 'MARRY MY HUSBAND', Who is the Moodmaker on Set? Na In Woo and Park Min Young (credit:Prime Video) - Park Min Young and Na In Woo can currently be seen in their acting in the drama MARRY MY HUSBAND which can be watched on Prime Video. This drama tells the story of a woman who can go back in time and seeks revenge on her husband and friend.

KapanLagi Korea had the opportunity to interview Park Min Young and Na In Woo via e-mail. Of course, they discussed the drama they starred in and their opinions about their co-stars in MARRY MY HUSBAND.

Here are the answers from Park Min Young and Na In Woo!

1. Park Min Young

Q: You have starred in many rom-com dramas. But this time, the drama you chose has a darker theme than before. What do you think is the main attraction of this drama compared to previous projects?

Park Min Young:
I believe that you have to be able to convey sentences through your eyes. I act while looking into people's eyes. I think having a cheerful personality has an influence. I live only thinking about beautiful and good things. Maybe romantic acting seems very apparent because I have been acting with my eyes like that since before. This drama is an opportunity to show both the dark and bright sides of myself.

Q: You are willing to lose weight to portray Kang Ji Won. What is difficult about going through that process?

Park Min Young:
I don't have a greedy appetite and usually try to eat healthily. So I never think about things that make me want to eat a lot. I go on a healthy diet before and on the day of filming.

Q: If you had the chance to go back in time like Kang Ji Won, what would you change? Or would you choose to do the same thing?

Park Min Young:
Instead of struggling and seeking revenge, I would move on as if it never happened. There doesn't need to be any connection with them.

2. Na In Woo

Q: Your character here is a CEO who has love and secrets. What do you think is the charm of the character Yoo Ji Hyuk that can make viewers fall in love?

Na In Woo:
His best charm is that he has pure love only for one woman. I think he is like a child, clumsy, and has a tsundere charm in front of the person he likes.

Q: Park Min Young is your senior in the acting world. Do you have any experiences or lessons you learned while working with her? And among you, who is the mood maker during filming?

Na In Woo:
As a senior in acting, Park Min Young has been very helpful in every scene when we are together. Lee Yi Kyung is definitely the mood maker, making us laugh a lot.

Q: You are the youngest among the main cast. What was your first impression of Park Min Young, Lee Yi Kyung, and Song Ha Yoon? And did that opinion change after getting to know each other on set?

Na In Woo:
Park Min Young is a senior who is enthusiastic and gives a lot of advice in acting. At first, I was worried that I couldn't do my best and could burden her, but she made me feel comfortable and we have good chemistry. Lee Yi Kyung is the mood lifter on set and Song Ha Yoon fills it with good energy that benefits me.

3. Park Min Young and Na In Woo

Q: Describe MARRY MY HUSBAND in one word and why did you choose that word?

Park Min Young:
Second chance. Everyone makes mistakes but if given the opportunity, wise people will accept everything, fix it, and become better. This is also a theme that runs throughout this work.

Na In Woo:
Dopamine. You will truly feel the flow of dopamine within you when watching our drama.

For those who have watched, did you feel that dopamine? Don't forget to watch it on Prime Video!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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