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EXO-SC Presents a Full Album Full of Joy in '1 BILLION VIEW'

EXO-SC Presents a Full Album Full of Joy in '1 BILLION VIEW' EXO-SC (credit: Special) - Through the EXO-SC sub-unit, Sehun and Chanyeol will make their comeback by releasing their first full album titled 1 Billion Views. The album, which contains a total of 9 songs, is planned to be released on July 13, 2020, on various music platforms such as Flo, Melon, Genie, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music.

An atmosphere full of joy will be presented in this hip-hop genre album with funky guitar sounds and disco rhythms. The lyrics of this song compare someone's desire to see their beloved by repeatedly playing a video. Not only that, the participation of Million Market vocalist, MOON, also adds to the appeal of this song.

1. Teaser Image Chanyeol

Teaser image of Chanyeol with his stylish charm has been released through EXO-SC's homepage and EXO's social media accounts on July 1, 2020, at 22:00 WIB. This has increased fans' expectations for the return of EXO-SC.

Physical album of EXO-SC's first full-length album, 1 Billion Views, will also be released on July 13, 2020.


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