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Facts about Jake ENHYPEN, a Member who Studies at Expensive and Elite School - Aspires to Donate 1 Billion

Facts about Jake ENHYPEN, a Member who Studies at Expensive and Elite School - Aspires to Donate 1 Billion Jake ENHYPEN (Credit: Instagram/enhypen) - Jake ENHYPEN is a dancer, rapper, and vocalist from Australia. This guy, who has a Korean name, Sim Jae Yun, was born on November 15, 2002, which means he is almost 19 years old. Despite being young, Jake ENHYPEN has talent and high ambitions, which has led to his current popularity.

Since leaving Australia, he has been training at Big Hit. His first appearance on I-LAND was quite impressive, performing the song Crown by TXT with Sunoo and Youngbin.

There are many interesting things to be proud of about Jake. However, sad news came from ENHYPEN as 5 out of 7 members tested positive for COVID-19. Jake was the first member to be declared positive with symptoms of cough and fever. While hoping for the best, you can check out the facts about Jake ENHYPEN below.


1. BTS Becomes the Gateway for Jake ENHYPEN to Get to Know K-Pop

In one of the DIVE Studios K-Pop Daebak Show podcasts, Eric Nam as the host interviewed Jake, Sunghoon, and Jungwon ENHYPEN. They discussed the formation of the group that unites them now. ENHYPEN's journey from the survival show I-LAND and its development until now.

When discussing sources of inspiration and idols, Eric specifically asked Jake, "Who do you listen to and look up to as you approach adulthood?"

Well, Jake answered that he listens to hip-hop. He then shared that his introduction to K-Pop was through BTS. At that time, Jake ENHYPEN watched BTS's performance in America. Jake said that rap and hip-hop artists became his inspiration as a performer.

He admitted feeling a lot of energy brought by rappers in their performances. That's why Jake wants to take that lively and friendly energy in his performances with ENHYPEN.


2. Jake ENHYPEN Spent Nine Months as a Trainee at Big Hit

Before appearing on the survival program I-LAND, Jake ENHYPEN already started to love music. He played the violin for four years while still in Australia. He was also a member of the school orchestra.

After developing an interest in K-Pop, he began to pursue it through an audition. The audition he participated in was in Sydney, which is quite far from Brisbane, his place of residence. Eventually, he successfully joined Big Hit as a trainee for nine months.

After that, he soared with his talent, ranking third and receiving a total of 1,179,633 votes in the final. That was Jake's path to getting the opportunity to debut with ENHYPEN under the management of BE:LIFT Lab.


3. Jake ENHYPEN is Intelligent and Wealthy

Jake once said that before he became obsessed with the dream of becoming a K-Pop idol, he was very interested in physics. Moreover, he also ranked first in mathematics.

Not only smart, Jake ENHYPEN is an idol who ranks 11th with the highest school fees. During junior high school, Jake studied at one of the top elite schools. The school always ranks in the top 10 out of the 150 best schools in Queensland, Australia.

After being in Korea, he attended Dwight School Seoul. It is a prestigious international school in South Korea. Students at this school are charged 30 million won or around 300 million per year. Not only smart and wealthy, Jake is also considered an ambitious person in his career.


4. Jake ENHYPEN Someone who is Religious and Generous

Jake ENHYPEN's religious side seems to be revealed just like that. On various occasions, he never seems to forget to pray and give thanks. It's understandable that many fans melt when they discover this handsome idol's religious habits.

It's not just about personal matters like prayer and gratitude, Jake is also known as a generous person. The Save the Children sticker was once seen on Jake's gadget case. The sticker shows that Jake donated to the organization.

It seems that the above commendable qualities wouldn't be surprising if you knew that Jake had written them on his bucket list. Before his debut, he included the aspiration to donate up to one billion rupiahs in that bucket list. Truly worth emulating, right?


5. Jake ENHYPEN Likes Playing Soccer and Violin

Smart, wealthy, handsome, and talented, more than enough qualities for Jake ENHYPEN to be an idol. In addition, there are other things that might be attractive. Turns out, Jake ENHYPEN also admits to playing soccer.

Being in the striker position, he likes playing with his friends in a team representing his school.

Not only that, Jake ENHYPEN has been involved in music since before his debut. He played the piano for four years while living in Australia. He was also a member of the school orchestra.

Well, KLovers, those are some information or facts about Jake ENHYPEN that are truly worth being proud of.



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