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Facts Behind TWICE's First Full English Song 'The Feels'

Facts Behind TWICE's First Full English Song 'The Feels' TWICE (Credit: Instagram/twicetagram) - TWICE is a girl group under JYP Entertainment that debuted through the program SIXTEEN and officially debuted in 2015. TWICE has many fans from all over the world, and those who love and like TWICE are called ONCE.

TWICE has been highly anticipated by international fans to release a full English song. This was granted by TWICE and JYP Entertainment. On October 1, 2021, TWICE officially released a full English song titled The Feels.

What's behind the song? And what achievements have TWICE made with their full English song? Let's find out the information below!

1. First English Language Song

TWICE is a girl group that has created many hit songs such as Likey, Feel Special, More and More, and I Can't Stop Me. In addition, TWICE has a large number of fans from various backgrounds, both domestic and international.

There are many international fans who have been eagerly awaiting for TWICE to release a song with full English lyrics. After a long wait from international fans of TWICE, on October 1, 2021 at 10:58 AM (WIB), TWICE officially released their first song with full English lyrics titled The Feels.

2. Appearance on American Show

On October 1, 2021, in addition to being the official release date of The Feels, TWICE also had a schedule to appear on a show in the United States. TWICE will be appearing on The Tonight Show with Starring Jimmy Fallon.

The Tonight Show is a popular talk show in the United States that often invites famous guests from the music industry. In addition to The Tonight Show, TWICE will also perform on Good Morning America or GMA3: What You Need to Know on October 6, 2021.

3. Jeongyeon TWICE Participates After Hiatus

Jeongyeon is a member of TWICE who took a long hiatus due to poor mental health. Jeongyeon did not participate in the promotion of I Can't Stop Me and returned to participate in Alcohol Free.

Many fans were worried about Jeongyeon's condition after experiencing mental health issues. Once, the fans of TWICE, were concerned whether Jeongyeon would participate in the promotion and full English comeback song The Feels. As it is known, it has been answered that Jeongyeon will participate in the promotion and comeback song The Feels.

4. Shaking Up Youtube

Who doesn't know this girl group under JYP Entertainment? TWICE is a third-generation girl group loved by international and domestic K-Pop fans. TWICE is also known for their great and colorful music videos.

TWICE made a splash on Youtube with The Feels, gaining 8.1 million views in just 9 hours. TWICE also entered the worldwide trending on Youtube in second place below BTS and Coldplay.

5. Highly Anticipated by Once Indonesia

In addition to international fans and also Korean fans, TWICE fans from Indonesia, namely Once Indonesia, are also eagerly awaiting the latest song from TWICE. Once Indonesia can't wait for the vibes, lyrics, and melody of TWICE's first English song, The Feels.

This is proven by The Feels being at #1 on iTunes Indonesia, surpassing My Universe and MONEY. The Feels indeed has an attractive retro pop style that catches everyone's attention, including Once Indonesia.

Having their first English song shows that TWICE is not only able to compete in South Korea, but they are also able to compete on a larger scale, which is internationally.

Written By: Andre'an Adhe Prastyo


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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