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Han So Hee Responds to Netizens' Comments on Her Blog, Says She Knows Ryu Jun Yeol Will Break Up in June 2023 Through an Article

Han So Hee Responds to Netizens' Comments on Her Blog, Says She Knows Ryu Jun Yeol Will Break Up in June 2023 Through an Article Han So Hee (credit: Allure) - Han So Hee speaks up again about her relationship with Ryu Jun Yeol that has just been revealed. After making a long post on her blog, a few hours later the MY NAME actress responded to netizens' comments.

Han So Hee admitted several times that her actions were rude. She also discussed about herself writing when her boyfriend will break up with Hyeri. This is Han So Hee's response to the netizens.

1. Concerning a Bad Image

Netizen: Your image has dropped 10 levels.

Han So Hee:
I am sad because I know that this image is something precious created by your fans and everyone, not just by myself, but I will humbly accept it even though it has been tarnished by this incident.

2. Question about Hyeri and Jun Yeol Breaking Up in Early 2023

Why do you come forward and talk about when other people will break up? Is it okay to talk about other people's personal matters just to show that you're not at fault? That's really rude.

Han So Hee:
I didn't hear about this breakup personally, but I wrote it based on an article written last June. If it's rude, I will delete it. It's just proof that my relationship is not a 'transit love', but I do think it's rude.

3. Fans Sad About Han So Hee's Post

I'm sad because this is the first post of the year (on Han So Hee's blog)

Han So Hee:
I'm sorry

4. Feeling Guilty

In my opinion, a third party (netizen) who doesn't know the truth and doesn't see both sides, doesn't have the right to criticize. Please don't care too much about public reactions.

Han So Hee:
Instead of saying that I got carried away, this time it's actually my fault. Starting with the Insta Story, I think I made a small thing into a big deal.

5. Prayed to Become an Adult

I have a lot of thoughts after seeing Sohee's Insta Story. When people talk about 'transit love', it's not fair for So Hee. But in my opinion, her response was wrong. Even though she feels treated unfairly, if her response is like that, people will criticize her. They will say, 'Han So Hee is attacking her senior. Is Han So Hee really like that?' People will criticize So Hee like that. I hope So Hee can become a more mature person through this experience.

Han So Hee:
That's true, I also feel that this time's behavior was not careful. I feel like I acted impulsively because I feel that everything I do is seen as something bad because it's related to keywords like transit love, etc.

6. Apologizing Once Again

Is it okay to upload a photo of a dog holding a knife in an impolite manner on Insta Story to show someone's position (in a certain issue)? You're not a child, what about manners? You already know that many people will see it, choosing that photo to become a caption, what's good about it, Unnie? Why are you encouraging it like this?

Han So Hee:
I want to apologize once again for the choice of the photo and also for my Insta Story.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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